Ch.4: The Price Of Gold

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It was a beautiful day, as Katherine and Henry walked through town together.

"Are you sure we can be out in the open?" Henry asked her, knowing how much Regina didn't like Katherine.

"I'm not sneaking around. Your mom has a problem with me walking you to a school bus? I'll be more than happy to have that chat."

"You're brave," Henry stated. "You'll need that for Operation Cobra. Speaking of, have you thought of any code names?"

"Isn't Cobra our code name?" she questioned him.

"That's the mission," he clarified. "I need something to call you."

"Just call me Katherine," she replied.

They stopped walking, once they were at the school bus.

"Okay, well, I'll see you later, Katherine."

She watched, as he boarded the school bus.

After the bus left, the sheriff came up in his car. He then got out.

"What's up with the siren?" she asked him.

"Well, it's so hard to get your attention," he answered her.

"Well, you've got my attention now. What do you want?"

"To thank you for helping to find David."

"And what do I get for that? Key to the city?" she questioned, half-joking.

"How about a job? I could use a deputy," he offered her.

"Let me think about it," she replied.

He gave her his card. "Think about it. Stay a while."

She watched, as he left.

When she was at the diner and accidentally spilled some hot cocoa on her clothes and Ruby told her where the laundry room was, she did her laundry there and put on some new clothes that were hanging from the line. Then she got to talking to a girl that was pregnant.

"The doctor said the baby could come any day now. The thing is, when it comes, no one thinks I can do it. No one thinks I can do anything. Maybe they're right."

Katherine leaned against the washer.

"Don't listen to them."

The girl looked at her.


"Don't listen to whatever they tell you or think you can or can't do," Katherine told her. "How old are you?"


"I was 17," she informed her.

"When you had a kid?"

"Yeah. I know what it's like when everyone likes to tell you what you can and can't do, but whatever you plan on doing, whether you raise your child or not, the choice is yours. You have to learn to stand up for yourself. Show people what you are capable of if you want to change their minds. You want to change things? You gotta go out there and change them yourself, because in my world, there are no fairy god-mothers. People say what they say to hurt you no matter what. Be strong and show them who you really are, and people will start to see you differently," she replied, giving her some personal advice that she had to learn on her own.

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