Ch.43: And Straight On 'Til Morning

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Rumple was by a bush, watching Henry on the tire swing, when Katherine came up to Rumple.

"I have to talk to you about your son," Katherine informed him.

"What about my son?"

"I think it would be best if we go somewhere to talk," she suggested.

She began to walk away at his side.

Once they were far away from where Henry and Granny and Charming and Snow were at, she finally began to tell him what happened.

"I'm sorry, but Bae is gone. Tamara opened up a portal after she shot him. She was trying to get away, but she fell through the portal. I almost did too, but he saved me. I don't know if he's alive or not, or where the hell he even is if he is alive. He could be alive, or he could be dead, but he was badly injured," she informed him.

"I killed him. I brought magic to this world to find Bae. Now he's dead. Magic always comes with a price and this is it," Rumple said.

"It wasn't your fault," she assured him. "Look, this isn't the only reason I came to you. Greg has a fail-safe trigger. He's willing to die to destroy magic. If we don't find it, everyone that's not from this world will die, including you."

"No," he said.

"Look. A parent to a parent, even though I wasn't much of one to my daughter, just as you weren't much of one to Bae, he wouldn't want you to die, whether he's alive or not. I may have been willing to let people die in the past, but not now."

He began to walk away.

She watched him go, realizing he wasn't going to help. That's when she realized they were on their own.

Katherine went back to where Henry was and told him what happened to his father.

Greg and Hook went down into the mines and Greg informed him that according to the people that give them orders, even though neither of them never knew who their "commanders" were, said that the certain axe activated it. When Greg told Hook that, he told him, "I'm willing to die for my cause. Are you?"

Hook looked at him and told him he was, though Hook was having second thoughts. He didn't want to die with this town, which he realized Greg was willing to do.

He watched Greg activate the trigger and then he and Greg left the mines.

A moment later, there was a miniature earthquake and vines began to grow around the clock tower and the diner shook a little.

Regina slowly sat up in bed and got up and went into the kitchen, just as Katherine entered the apartment with Charming, Snow, and Henry.

After Regina and Henry hugged, there was an earthquake.

Katherine looked at her.

"Regina, what the—?" she began.

"Yes. The diamond," Regina informed her.

"So, we're all going to die," Henry said.

"You were born here, so you'll live," Regina assured him.

"But I'll be alone," he said.

"I'm so sorry, Henry," Regina said.

"That's not going to happen," Katherine said. "You did this. You can make it stop."

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