Ch.64: Breaking Glass

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Elsa and Katherine were at the station with boxes of file folders that had papers in them.

"Somewhere in here, there's got to be something on her," Katherine said.

"There has to be a better strategy. While we're reading files, my sister is out there somewhere. We have to confront this Snow Queen," Elsa insisted.

"Believe me, if I could, we would. We have to find her first. And, Elsa, we have to be careful. This woman is tricky. She seems to know you and you don't remember her and something tells me it's not an accident."

"You think she took my memories?" Elsa asked.

"I'm really good with names and faces and I've never seen her before. If you don't remember her, then she took your memories alright. The question is why. We need to find out what the hell she's up to."

Hook entered the station with a box.

"Paperwork, ahoy. Old city records from the mayor's office, per your request."

He set a box by the one Elsa was standing by and looked over at Katherine, as he opened the box.

"Oi! Somebody's forgotten about me dinner!" Will said. "I had the bangers and mash."

She grabbed a bottle of water and a pop tart from the desk she was standing by and took them over to his cell.

"You had the water and pop tart."

He got off the bed in his cell and took the bottle of water and looked at the pop tart.

"Somebody's already had a nibble."

"I've had my shots."

He took the pop tart from her.

"That's a relief," he replied, and took a bite from the pop tart. "Now, I've served me time. So, when will I be free?"

"When I say so," she replied with her back turned, now back at the box on her desk.

"Well, I'm off to take Henry sailing, luv," Hook told Katherine. He walked over to where she was. "Unless there's something else you want me to do here."

"Make sure Henry wears his life vest, okay?" she replied.

"Befriending the son to get in with her?" Will commented from the cell. "Yep. No one will ever see through that."

Hook turned around to look at him.

"Why don't you keep your thoughts to yourself, mate?"

He turned back to Katherine.


He gave her a kiss on the cheek and left the station.

Elsa found an envelope with pictures and went over to Katherine.

"Katherine, look. Why are there pictures of you mixed in with the city records?"

"Let's just say when Regina was mayor, she abused her power a bit." She took the pictures from Elsa. "She was looking for any reason to run me out of town." She gave a chuckle. "It's the first time Henry and I went for hot cocoa." She handed her pictures, as she spoke. "When I walked him to school for the first time."

Katherine stopped the car on the side of the roach and sighed, Elsa in the passenger's seat.

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