Ch.70: Heroes and Villains

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It was a cold day. Snow, Kristoff, Anna, Elsa, Katherine, Henry, and Hook stood where the ice wall was.

"Wow. That's a lot of ice," Anna commented.

"And it's time for it to come down," Elsa replied.

Elsa approached the wall and used magic to bring it down which, this time, worked.

"Okay. Now, can we go back home?" Anna asked, skipping towards the line.

"Stop! Don't take another step!" Katherine warned. "That's the town line." Katherine then went to stand by Anna whom had stopped at the warning.

"Right," Anna said. "But I wanna leave the town. Didn't I just say that?"

"The wall may be down, but I sense that some of Ingrid's magic remains." Katherine reached her hand out and there was a barrier on the line. "Yeah. There's a protection spell on the town line."

"So, how do we get back home?" Anna asked.

"Well, walking there won't get us there anyway," Elsa informed Anna. "We're in a different realm."

"We need to find a portal. Or magic beans or something," Katherine told them.

"Okay. Now, I'm lost," Kristoff said, not understanding.

"Well, then let's get one of those things. We have to hurry," Anna told her.

"We don't need to rush. We need to be careful. Arendelle will still be there while we figure this out," Elsa told her.

"It might not." Anna turned to Kristoff. "Did we forget to tell her?"

"Well, a lot of stuff was going on," Kristoff replied.

"Tell me what?" Elsa asked.

"Arendelle's been conquered. By Hans and his twelve brothers."

"Katherine, we need to find a way back. Now," Elsa said, looking at Katherine.

"I'll do my best," Katherine replied.

Hook left them there silently to inform Rumple of the situation. Rumple wasn't happy, because that meant it would make it much more difficult for him to leave town without a look back.

When Rumple woke Belle, he let her know after breakfast that he'd be taking her to New York and to pack a suitcase.

Later, Rumple and Hook went to the sorcerer's house to find a portal, in which they found with the help of the walking broom.

Henry came into the shop to see Belle trying to close a suitcase.

"Hey, grandma. Going on a trip?"

"Yeah. Rumple's taking me to New York for a while."

"But the Snow Queen left a spell on the town line. Anyone that goes can't return. Didn't you hear?"

"No," Belle replied. "I didn't." Then he told her that the book had all the bad things that had happened to Regina, and Belle told him she was on a much better path now. Then she asked Henry to help her find a much better suitcase, in which he did. That's when she discovered that a certain knight-like arm was in the shop. "I didn't expect to see this here," she stated, knowing what it was.

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