Ch.31: Queen of Hearts

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Katherine and Hook finally found Rumpelstiltskin's old cell, which was in what looked to be some caves.

Katherine entered the cell, Hook following behind, but they didn't see a quill anywhere.

Katherine looked around for clues to where it may be and spotted a brick that looked lose, so she took it out and found a scroll. When she opened it, there wasn't a quill. However, there was, written in ink, her name all over the scroll, repeated so many times. That's what made her realize that he'd known her name before she'd even ended up in Storybrooke, in the first place. He must have seen that she'd be coming and that she'd break the curse. That part she hadn't known, but then again, she hadn't asked him what he exactly knew about her.

Hook saw her look and approached.

"What is it, luv?"

"Rumple knew me before I even appeared in Storybrooke," she explained. "He wrote my name."

He saw the parchment paper that had her first name written all the way to the end of the paper.

She rolled the scroll back up.

"It doesn't matter. I'm from a world with werewolves, vampires, hybrids, witches, and doppelgangers. Anything is possible, which means it's not impossible to see the future. I've known witches before that could see into the future. Let's just go."

She began to leave the cell, and Hook followed her.


After Regina left Hook in wonderland, Hook was taken by the guards and brought to the Queen of Hearts. When the guy standing by her said that she wanted to know why he was there, Hook said that he was there to see Cora.

Cora took her mask off and stood up.

"In this land, she goes by Your Majesty." Then she told them to leave, in which they did, and she came down the stairs. "Your name, pirate?"

"Hook," he replied, bowing his head to her, still on his knees. Then he looked at her again.

"What a clever nickname," she commented.

He got to his feet and approached her. "I come baring gifts, if you'll allow me." He took a necklace out of his pocket with his hooked hand.

"The hat. Your portal. If I understand correctly, the same number that travels through must also return. You arrived with him," she said, looking over at the body of the soldier that lay behind them a ways. She looked at Hook again. "Who shall you return with?"

"You," he answered her, before stabbing his hooked hand into her chest, but he didn't feel a heart, so he dropped his hooked hand from there. "What?"

"I'm the Queen of Hearts. Do you really think I'd be so careless as to keep my heart where everyone else does? This—" She put her hand through his chest around his heart. "is how it's done. Who did this? Who sent you here to kill me? Who?"

"Your daughter," he answered her.

"Regina. She...wants me dead. You're now going to tell me everything and do exactly what I want, because when you hold a heart, you control it. You have the power."


After Ruby and the dwarfs found that the fairy dust was stolen, they went to finding out where Regina and Gold had gone. Ruby asked Henry at the diner, and that's when Henry figured out that Regina lied to him that she and Gold were going to prepare for Katherine's arrival.

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