Ch.38: The Miller's Daughter

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It was a beautiful day, as they sailed the Jolly Roger to Storybrooke. Katherine was in the bunker talking to Rumple.

"I'm going to save your life," she said, after he'd explained to her about his dagger when she'd asked him about it.

"I'm not sure you should," Rumple replied.

Charming had just spoken to Katherine on the phone and was telling Snow that Katherine informed him that Rumple was quite injured, and it was poison.

While Charming was talking to Snow over the phone, Cora and Regina were listening in with a phone tap.

After Cora explained that he was more injured and that when he died, there'd be no more Dark One to take his place, she got the idea to stab him with the dagger and take his power as her own, but Regina rejected that, not wanting Henry to hate her if anything happened to him.

"The whole point of this was to, wait, what was the whole point of this?" she questioned.

"To protect our family," Cora stated.

"Or you gaining your power," Regina replied.

"Whatever power I gain is for us. To protect you. To protect Henry. If we lose this battle, we'll spend the rest of our short lives on our knees in front of them. And that my love is something that I'll never do," she replied, that last part she said, remembering a time when she'd been the Miller's daughter and had been tripped by Princess Aurora. She'd told the king that she'd tripped her which had caused her to spill the bags of flower, but instead the king had her kneel and apologize to the princess. That day had been an embarrassment and she never wanted to relive a day like that again.

Katherine soon returned to Storybrooke with Neal, Henry, and Rumple.

Charming helped Neal get Rumple in the back of the truck and then Rumple informed them that Cora would want to use his dagger to control him. Then Snow said that they had to kill Cora to protect everyone, but Charming disagreed with her, wanting to find another way to get rid of Cora.

Once they were at the shop, minus Henry whom was being looked after by Ruby, and had gotten him on the bed in the back of his shop, Rumple had her use the invisible chalk to make a line in front of the door.

Neal watched her making the line and, trying to be a little humorous with her, said, "You missed a spot."

She stopped and looked at him.

"You're hilarious."

She went back to making the line.

"I didn't know you were magical. I've learned you're ambitious, daring, fearless, and you have a dark past, but I didn't realize you were magical."

"Are you being judgy?" she inquired. "I'm sure you've got a ton of secrets too, apart from being the son of Rumpelstiltskin."

Charming entered the front of the shop.

"We're all clear outside." When he saw that he had interrupted something, he asked, "Everything okay?"

"We're fine," Katherine replied and went back to making the line.

When Rumple told Snow to look in the cabin for a blanket, she saw a candle and took it out.

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