Ch.67: Smash The Mirror

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A long time ago in Arendelle, Ingrid buried the hat. Before she buried it, she iced it over and then covered it with rocks in a cave.

Some time later, she went to visit the wizard's apprentice.

The apprentice was sweeping outside his cottage, when he sensed a presence and then turned around to see her.

"I know who you are," he informed her. "And I can be of no help to you."

"No, of course not," she agreed. "You're an errand boy long past his prime. I wish to speak to the one you work for."

"There are many who desire an audience with The Sorcerer. But he speaks only through his apprentice."

"Then tell him, apprentice, I wish to make a deal."

"The Sorcerer does not make petty deals. Especially, with those who have succumbed to the darkness like you."

"I think, in this case, he might make a small exception. You see, I have his hat."

"You have no idea the forces you are dealing with." He set the broom against a post and pointed his sword at her.

"Hmm," she said.

"Tell me where it is," he demanded of her.

"Oh, no. Did you think that I was foolish enough to bring it with me? The hat is hidden far away. And unless he gives me what I want, the Sorcerer will never see his hat again."

She removed the tip of his sword from her neck and he pointed his sword to the ground.

"And what is it that you so desire?" he asked of her.

"Happiness. A kind I haven't known in a long time. Since I was a little girl, running in a field with my sisters, chasing a kite. Our love made us strong, until it didn't. My sisters could never accept who I was because they were...ordinary. I want two sisters born with magic, like me. My niece, Elsa, will be joining me. We need a third magical sister. A perfect match."

"A match like that will be extremely hard to come by. It could take time."

"Tell the Sorcerer I am a very patient woman. I am willing to wait as long as it takes to find a perfect sister," she replied.


Katherine was asleep in her car, but woke up when she felt something, and her hands were like electricity. She took her jacket off and shook them a little.

"Okay, come on. Calm down," she said, assuming her magic was tied to her emotions. She then got out and put hands on top of her car and closed her eyes, trying to calm down.

"Katherine?" she heard a familiar voice say, and turned around to see Henry. She hadn't wanted to be found, because she didn't want to hurt anyone with her magic, but apparently, she'd been found anyway.

"Henry, what are you doing here?" she asked, though she assumed why he was there. Everyone probably wanted her to come home, thinking they could help her control her magic, but right now, she figured she was better on her own in learning to control it.

"I've been out all night looking for you. Everyone has."

"I told them all to stay away. I can't control my powers right now. Listen, don't worry about me. I'm going to find a way to fix this, but until I do, you gotta go."

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