Ch.33: The Outsider

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After doing an experiment on the town line the night before, Rumple found out that by putting a potion on an object that he held dear, he could leave town to go find Bae, his only son.

The next day, Rumple informed Belle. When she offered to come with, he had to decline because he only had enough of the potion for one object. The shawl Bae used to wear.

Meanwhile, Hook was trying to get Hopper to talk about what Rumple's weakness was, other than the dagger, though Hopper didn't know anything of a dagger.

After further questioning, Hook found out about Belle, so he left his ship to go find her.

Belle entered the library and was about to put a book back on the shelf, when she saw someone in a corner, whom seemed to be reading a book.

"I'm sorry. The library isn't open yet," she told him.

"Well, I'm not here for the books, luv." He layed the book in his hand on top of other books on a nearby shelf. He then looked at her.

She looked back at him and suddenly remembered him.

"You. You're the one that broke into my cell at the queen's palace."

He gave a smile and she ran to the other side of the library.

He followed and they now had only two carts of book separating them.

"You wanted to kill Rumpelstiltskin."

"I still do," he informed her. "but right now, I'll settle for you."

He walked around a cart of books and she shoved the cart of books she'd been standing behind, and it fell on top of him. She then took the advantage and opened the elevator and got in for safety.

Hook ran towards the elevator but was too late. It closed, before he could get to her.

Once in the elevator, Belle called Rumple to inform him of the situation, and once she'd told him everything, they hung up and Rumple left his shop to get to the library.

When Rumple got to the library, he opened the elevator and she came out.

Since she didn't see him, she asked Rumple where he was.

"I don't know, but you have nothing to fear. I'm here now," Rumple assured her. They then hugged.

Henry was at the Charmings' place, thinking, when Katherine came in with a plate.

"You hungry?" she questioned him. "I managed to wrangle up a pop tart."

"No, thanks," he replied.

Katherine set the plate on the bed by where he sat, and joined Snow whom was waiting for her.

"Well, that went well," Kat said sarcastically.

"You're doing all you can do," Snow assured her.

LeRoy approached.

"Ladies? Dwarfs have been thinking. When do we go back?"

"Back? Where?" Kat asked, though she guessed where.

"The enchanted forest. Our home."

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