Ch.23: Broken

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After the purple fog disappeared, everyone remembered who they were and were reunited.

After Henry and Katherine joined the dwarfs, Snow White, Prince Charming, Granny, and Ruby on the street and Henry said that she saved them, LeRoy asked, "Then why are we still here?"

"That, my friend, is an excellent question," Charming replied.

"What was that smoke?" Sneezy asked.

"Who did this?" another dwarf asked.

The Blue Fairy approached.

"Magic. It's here. I can feel it."

"Magic? In Storybrooke?" Henry asked her. "You're the Blue Fairy. Do something magical."

"It's not that simple, Henry," she admitted. "That wand. The fairy dust. Matters are complicated now."

"So, let's go to the person responsible for bringing it," LeRoy suggested. "The Queen." The other dwarfs agreed.

"It wasn't Regina," Katherine tried to convince them.

Rumple was still at the well with Belle.

"My darling Belle, you have to tell me what happened to you," he said, though he assumed who the culprit was that did that to her.

"I was abducted," she informed him.

"Regina," he stated, knowing only one person that would do such a thing to her.

"She locked me away until the curse, so I've been in the asylum ever since."

"For 28 years? All these years, you've been here, alive."

"Is that why you did this?" she asked him. "Why you wanted magic? For revenge?"

"No," he denied. "But it might come in handy."

"No. No."

"I cannot let this stand. I will not let this stand!"

"Look, promise me. Promise me you won't give into your hate. Promise me you won't kill her. Promise me we can be together."

He touched the side of her face.

"I promise."

A moment later, they shared a kiss for a couple moments, before they hugged.

They were still talking, when they saw a bunch of people running through the street, a ways away.

A moment later, they were met by Archie.

"There you are. I need your help. Come. Whale's whipped them into a frenzy. They're going to Regina's house. They're gonna kill her."

"Great. Let's watch," LeRoy commented.

"No. No matter what she's done, killing is wrong."

"He's right. Please. She's still my mom," Henry said to Katherine.

"We have to stop them," Katherine said.

"If the Blue Fairy is right and magic is here, Regina could have her powers back. They'd be marching into a slaughter," Charming told them.

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