Ch.47: Nasty Habits

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After some rocks and stuff were used to symbolize the camp and compound, they began making a plan.

"Tinkerbell says there are sentries positioned across the front, which is why we're gonna come in through the back entrance here," Katherine said, using a stick as a pointer. "She's gonna talk her way in. Once she makes sure the coast is clear, then we're going to sneak on in."

"You'll still have to deal with any Lost Boys once you're inside," Tinkerbell reminded her.

"I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks," Regina told the fairy.

"It's not the sticks you need to worry about. It's the poison they're dipped in."

When the fairy said that last part, Katherine looked over at Hook whom looked back.

"Dreamshade. Hook warned us," Snow said.

"Good. Because one nicks and you'll spend the last of your days—," Tinkerbell began, but Katherine cut her off.

"Poison sticks equals death. We got it."

"Now, when can we put this rescue mission into action?" Charming questioned, standing up.

"I'm ready to go," Tinkerbell replied. "Just as soon as you tell me the exit plan. You do have an exit plan, don't you?"

"It was more of a last-minute trip," Snow told her.

"If you don't have a way off this island, then none of this matters," Tinkerbell replied.

Regina stood up.

"We'll figure it out."

"You'll figure it out? No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time."

"When it comes to family, we always find a way," Charming assured her.

"You don't get it. Here, let me show you something." She dug into her bag and pulled out a watch. "You know what this is?"

"Yeah, a watch," Katherine answered.

"I got it from the person that brought your son here for Pan."

Katherine stood up.

"Greg? Where is he? Why did he give you that?"

"I got it off his body. Spent half the night cleaning the blood off it. This is what Pan does to people he employs. What do you think he's gonna do to you? I'm not sticking my neck on Pan's chopping block without a way off this island. You figure that out, you know where I live."

The fairy began to leave.

"Where the hell is she going?" Snow asked.

"I'll get her, bring her back," Charming said.

"She's right. If there's anything I've learned, it's you never break in somewhere unless you know the way out."

"What about Hook?" Charming asked. "You got off this island before."

"Yes, aboard my ship. Which would require some form of magic to create a portal. Which I got from Pan in a deal I don't think he's ready to repeat."

"So, no one's ever left the island without Pan's permission," Regina stated.

"One man," Hook said. "Neal."

"How?" Katherine asked.

"Maybe we can find out," Hook replied, and began walking, and everyone followed him.

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