Ch.59: Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home

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While Snow, Charming, the baby, Katherine, and Henry were at their apartment, Regina and Robin were having wine and eating at Regina's place in front of the fireplace.

"To having your heart back," Robin said.

They clanked glasses together.

"So, how does it feel?" Robin asked.

"Stronger than ever," Regina replied with a smile.

They kissed and then he pulled away.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I just never thought I'd have this."

"After I lost my wife, I felt like that for a long time," he explained, talking about his wife Mirian "Her death was my fault."

"I'm sorry."

"I would have walked through hell to be with my Mirian again. But when I finally admitted to myself that she was gone, and that she was never coming back, I had to let that guilt go."

"My first love, Daniel, was killed because of me," Regina informed him. "Because he loved me."

"And that's why you never wanted to open yourself up again?"

"Tinkerbell told me it was possible. I could love again. She led me to this tavern. To a man she said I was destined to be with. I never saw his face, but I did see his tattoo." She took his arm and held it up to reveal his tattoo.

"It was me?" Robin questioned, shocked.

"Yes. I was just too scared to approach you."

"Well, maybe things work out when they're supposed to. Maybe it's all about timing."

While Belle was out, Rumple put the dagger in a cabinet and sealed it with magic.

When Belle came in, she informed him that she spoke to her father and he gave them his blessing. So, they then kissed.

Everyone was celebrating at Granny's. Hook, Charming, Snow, Ruby, Henry, and Katherine were talking. When Snow mentioned a point of her life when she thought running away was a good idea, Hook made a comment.

"What's he talking about?" Henry questioned her.

"Uh, should we read more stories?" Charming questioned.

Regina overheard and approached.

"Actually, I'd like to hear what the pirate is talking about."

Robin followed at Regina's side.

"It's nothing," Katherine said, not wanting everyone knowing about her plans.

"Are you planning on going back to your world?"

"Why should she go back?" Henry questioned.

"She's not," Regina assured him. Then she looked at Katherine. "Right, Miss Pierce?"

"Actually, it's complicated," Katherine replied.

"Why would you leave? This is your home now," Henry told Katherine.

"Henry, this isn't the time or place..."

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