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Sorry it took me longer than usual to upload this chapter! The holidays were a huge distraction since I was with family and I had no internet signal in Mexico.

Anyways, enjoy!

Yuyan's POV

Yeah, of course I fell asleep. Things like this always happen to me. I woke up in some random room, I assumed it was Johann's room since he was the one who offered me to sleep over.

I got up and out of bed and grabbed my things, so that I could leave. I wouldn't want to burden them anymore. Walking out, I saw Johann asleep on the couch and I felt a little guilty that I made him sleep in his cold living room. I exited out the door and once again began to walk along the trail once again, that was until I heard someone calling out for me.

"Mirako! Wait, wait, wait!" I turned around and saw Johann running towards me, once he stopped he caught his breath and panted quite a bit. "Leaving so soon?"

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to take up your room," I bowed in gratitude.

"No problem whatsoever, I asked you if we could talk more because I could tell you were tired and if we kept talking you'd fall asleep," he explained, "wow that made me sound like a creep. I'm not a creep alright? I just don't want you walking off cliffs or rolling down hills in the dark alone." I laughed at his concern " I sound even weirder don't I?!"

"No, no, it was a nice gesture actually, thank you," I smiled.

"Okay, what I'm gonna say next is probably even weirder, but I swear I'm not like some weird rapist or freak alright?" I giggled but nodded, "will you go on a date with me?"

I didn't know how to answer that, it made me laugh actually. But I thought about it a little and I didn't really have anything to do on this adventure besides walk around and enjoy the view. Maybe it would be fun? He seemed like a really nice guy. "Sure!"

He stared at me as if he was surprised at my answer, "what?"

"Yeah, I'll go on a date with you," I gave him a closed eye smile.

"You just made me the happiest person ever, wait here for a moment!" He once again quickly ran back to his house. I only waited for about five minutes until he came back nicely dressed and slightly wet hair. "Sorry about that, didn't want to halfass this date," he winked.

I realized I myself didn't look that presentable, I was in a plain teal colored shirt, black shorts, and black sandals. If anything I was the one who looked halfassed for this date. "U-umm I'm a little underdressed," I chuckled.

"It's alright, we'll fix that right now, there's a small town nearby," he pointed ahead and we both began to walk in that direction.

"So, why did you ask me on a date?" I was quite curious.

"It's not everyday someone meets a beautiful girl with a great personality, you're interesting, different, almost unusual. Has anyone ever told you that?"

I sighed, "I guess I've been called beautiful, but.." I shrugged, "it's not very convincing. Great personality? No. Interesting? No. Different..hmm, probably. Unusual, I'm pretty sure."

"I'm sure every guy calls you beautiful, I mean, you really are." Not being cocky or anything, because some girls like to boast about how "everyone calls them pretty" and "how they're so beautiful", but I don't know, I didn't like to be called that, like didn't guys ever see anything else in a girl besides what they looked like? "But I'm kinda surprised no one says anything about how great your personality is, you're really nice, maybe too nice."

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