Banshees and Doppelgangers

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Chapter Nine : Banshees and Doppelgangers 

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Chapter Nine : Banshees and Doppelgangers 

I passed under the last lamp to get to Stiles' house. I had to sneak out to have this conversation. It would just be Stiles, Scott, Allison and myself. I wasn't really sure but something in my gut told me I was late, but it didn't matter as long as I was there.

I didn't even get the chance to knock on the door because the Sheriff opened it, headed out for his night shift. "They're upstairs."

"Thanks." I mumbled out heading inside the house.

I paused when I got in front of Stiles bedroom door. "Yeah, but don't you ever think we are keeping her.. Them from their lives?" Scott was talking but I couldn't tell who about.

"Sometimes. Other times I know I would be six feet under if they weren't here. So we'll cross that bridge when it comes."

"Yeah. Allison's right. And didn't Cait say that when she got back, it would have only been 7 second on her earth. That's no time at all." So they were talking about me.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess you're right. Speaking of Cait, where is she?"

I think I was safe to enter so I knocked on the door pushing it open. Stiles stood staring at a clear crim board covered in everything related to the deadpool, Allison and Scott on either side of him. "Okay, what do you guys got?"

"So far. A name." Stiles paused taking a piece of paper out of his pocket. "Well and a licence and registration." Stiles handed the paper to me. In the top corner was a colored picture of a girl who looked identical to me. "Catherine Maria Roads."

"Got it." Allison held up her phone, "Her instagram that is. Do you really think that it could be the doppelganger who's causing all of this?"

"I truly have no idea. But better safe than sorry." I said, reading over the information I could get from Catherine's licence. "Nashvill? Who would willingly live in Tennessee?"

Scott let out a laugh, "She is 16. I don't know how willing it was."

"Glad you two had better luck. Nothing from socials." Allison said, sighing.

"Wouldn't She need to come to Beacon Hills to get the money?" Scott asked, taking the paper from me.

"Yeah. So if it was her she would have to be in beacon county, right?" Stiles said turning to me.

I sigh, "That's the thing. I'm not sure. And for all we know it still could have been a banshee. God why is there never a clear answer?"

"Well the only Banshee that it could be is Lydia's grandmother. Seeing as her ashes were completely not human." Allison said, falling back onto Stiles' bed.

"Yeah but she would have had to fake her own death." Scott pointed out.

"To be fair, you faked your own death." I remind, folding up the piece of paper with Cathreine's licence.

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