Chapter 3 (SCP experiment)

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A6d was taken by the government and now he is inside the van with 2 people. A6d doesn't look at them, he just stares at the empty space.

As they arrive, they take him to the government and the governor looks at him.

Governor- "I heard from his father that his name is a6d. He will be now named as SCP 308."

A6d, also known as SCP 308, walks into the building with 2 guards on his side. Even though he's 5, he's brave but afraid at the same time. As he walks inside, he sees a lot of experiments and see how the scientists are pretty harsh and careless on them.

Guard #1- "Your room is here. "

A6d looks at the door that has the name tag on it written SCP 308. The guards let go of the iron handcuffs and the mask that forbid him to speak. A6d walks in and the door closes and locks. A6d looks around the room that the room is big but the bed is just newspaper. A6d sighs at the new environment. He goes to the corner and slides down. He just wants to go home to his family.

Professor #1- "Sir, the boy seems sad. Do we need something to cheer him up? "

Governor- "You know the rules. Don't be kind to them. "

Professor #1- "Alright sir. "

Governor- "Keep an eye on him. Make sure that he can't escape from here. "

Professor #2- "Is there a bathroom? "

Governor just having his moment but got destroyed because someone asks where is the bathroom. He sighs in annoyance because of that.

Governor- "You mean toilet? "

Professor #2- "No I haven't take a shower this morning. I heard there's a bathroom in here"

Governor- "Get out from this room, turn right, straight forward and turn left. "

Professor #2- "Thanks."

Governor- "We are going to test him tomorrow. "

SCP 308 (Minecraft SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now