Chapter 4 (The start of the experiment)

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A6d or also known as SCP 308 sleeps on the floor with the newspaper. Luckily he got the warmth from his pair of white wings. He misses his family but he couldn't escape. I mean come on, he's 5 years old.

The door opens and reveals a guard. The guard closes and locks the door so no one can escape the room. A6d backs away while the guard walks closer to him. A6d runs around while the guard chases him down. The guard finally caught a6d and put him a collar around the neck and pull the rope that attached to it. The guard also puts the handcuff so he can't run away

They are now walking down the halls. A6d still scares about his new surroundings. They come halt in front of the new room which is the testing room. The guard pushes him into the room and locks the door. A6d looks around and found a guy in a white coat.

A6d walks closer and the man in the white coat moves really fast. He takes a stick with the end has electricity and electrocutes a6d. A6d cries in pain and the guy stops electrocuting him. The guy looks at the other people behind the glass who are also in a white coat give thumbs up. The people behind the glass take note of a6d's behavior.

The guard that brings a6d comes into the room and takes him back to the room. A
All a6d feels is all pain. A6d whimpers and his wings cover him. Then the guard comes in again and takes him into another test. The test still the same, electrocuted but with different levels.

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