Chapter 6 (Sadness in the building)

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⚠Abuse, blood, and death mentioned⚠

A6d can't control his sadness so he cries a lot. He doesn't want to have this situation but he's already in it. He overheard that the scientists are talking about the flower he ate. It's not his fault that he didn't know and he was hungry. Besides he was a child and still not knowing everything.

Everyday after testing, he always sits in the corner, crying a lot. He wants to talk to people but be doesn't want to. He knows everything they did to him. All he received is abuse every single freaking day. He never received cuddles, hugs, or even kisses. He was abused by his own father for 2 weeks and now they do this to him as well?

A6d never talk or get close to anyone for 1 year. He has forgotten his social skills and forgot how to talk to people.

One year later

It's been 2 years now. 2 years of suffer. A6d is 7 years old now but sadly he didn't improve much of himself. A6d starts to distance away from people. He doesn't attack people in there because there's one time, when the scientist tried to electrocuted him, he automatically attack him and bit his neck until it bleed. The scientists were panicking by his behavior. A6d stopped biting him and had blood all over mouth. He bit him too hard. A6d realized what happened then started to cry. Couple of scientists put a chain collar on him and a6d tried to break free but he couldn't. One scientist went to the body and reported dead. A6d got electrocuted really bad after what happened.

A6d still traumatized what happened. He's not a blood thirsty killer, he just a child who accidentally ate the flower. The guard comes in and a6d tries to escape but sadly, the guard grab his clothes and ties him like he always does everyday.

All a6d wants is to escape. Escape from the building, goes back to forest, and goes back to his family. Hearing the word 'family' hurts him. He forgot that his family doesn't love him anymore except his brother. He remembers his brother gave him a bandana so until now he wears it. The scientists didn't care about it so they let him wear it.

The scientists continue to torture him. All a6d feel is pain and the only thing that comes out from his mind is home or someone who always be there for him, no matter what.

SCP 308 (Minecraft SCP AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя