Chapter 64 (Saving SCP 308)

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⚠Knife, death, and blood mentioned⚠


A6d looks at the two people lying on the floor. He doesn't regret anything. The governor sneaks behind him and pats his head. He smiles as a6d did a good job.

Governor- "Well done. You have took down Sapnap and Bad. There is only left to do and your job is done. I want you to attack Dream. I be right behind you. "


Dream runs faster with the manual in his hand. He doesn't care where is he going but his mind is on a6d. He needs to save him.

Dream- "Dear God where am I?"

Governor- "Hello Dream. Nice to see ya."

Dream looks around and sees a6d and the governor. A6d is ready to attack Dream at any time soon.

Dream- "What did you do to him?"

Governor- "Oh nothing."

Dream- "Where is Bad and Sapnap? What did you do to them?"

A6d uses his tail to reveal Bad and Sapnap. They both got covered in blood and Dream doesn't know whether Bad and Sapnap are alive or not.

Governor- "SCP 308, why don't you play with Dream like you always did?"

The governor backs away and a6d is ready to attack Dream. Dream knows what to do. He is not panicking, he is calm. A6d grips his knife tightly and moves his legs position into a running position. A6d starts his move but Dream still relax. As a6d is about to stab him with a knife, Dream quickly grab his wrist gently but it holds a6d's hand in place.

Dream- "Shh it's okay. You will be with us again."

Dream gently drops the manual on the floor and uses his free hand on a6d's back. He pulls him close while still holding his wrist. Dream squeezes a6d's hand until the knife drops.

Dream- "There we go.... Just relax...."

Dream kisses a6d in the forehead and a6d feels warm. He remembers how he finally felt warm for the first time after 14 years feeling nothing but cold. Dream silently takes off the shock collar and a6d comes back to normal.

Dream- "Hey buddy, remember me?"

A6d sobs and hugs Dream. Dream comforts him. He says sweet things and a6d relax.

Dream- "Everything will be okay..."

A6d looks back and sees Bad and Sapnap lying on the floor. A6d runs towards them and whimpers, begging to wake up.

Dream- "SCP 38, calm down."

A6d doesn't listen and keeps begging to wake up. He sobs as he couldn't wake them up. He wants them to wake up and go back as the old days. He wants to feel their warmth. They are the ones who are so kind to him since they met. Dream holds a6d in place and a6d struggles to let go of the grip. Dream sits down with a6d while comforting.

Dream- "Ssshhhhh it's okay it's okay. Everything will be okay.... Don't worry it's okay."

A6r cries harder as he thinks he couldn't make them wake up. Dream keeps whispering sweet things to him to calm him but it fails. A6d just wants his caretakers to wake up. Few minutes later, they both hear a groan. A6d looks back and sees Bad and Sapnap wake up. A6d rushes towards and hug them both. Bad and Sapnap realize and see that a6d has taken off the shock collar. They both hug him and Dream joins.

Governor- "Oh well I gotta go and head out."

A6d sees the governor and runs towards him. The governor runs around the maze with a6d behind him until the governor at the dead end. Beside him there's a window but it's far way down. A6d is now blocking his way so he won't escape.

Governor- "You seem want this to be the hard way isn't it?"

A6d keeps his straight face to let the governor knows that he's not going to play any of his games. He's sick of it.

Governor- "How about like this? If you step aside and let me go, I will leave you and your caretakers alone. If not, then be my weapon."

Little did the governor knows, a6d is smart and knows what to do. A6d moves aside and the governor smiles. As the governor moves one step, a6d uses his tail to wrap around the governor's torso and throws him out of the window near them. He hears the scream until it ends. He looks down from the broken window and sees the governor is dead. Many people are screaming and looks where did he fall. A6d goes back to his caretakers and hugs them. He acts like nothing happens.

Dream- "Hey what happened to the governor?"

A6d just shrugs and goes back to enjoy his caretakers' warmth.

Dream- "Guess it's not a big deal. Let's go back."

A6d decides to tell them that the governor is dead. Dream raises his eyebrow and confuses how did the governor die.

Dream- "How?"

And tells them by doing hand gestures or sign language that he died of "natural" causes.

Dream- "You killed him didn't you?"

A6d nods and Dream hugs him.

Dream- "It's fine. He was a bother to your life though. I know you guys hate each other's guts. Anyways let's go back."

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