Trigger warning~ Blood, Death

"GET HIM!" A voice screeched out through the raging wind as the sound of thundering feet clambered through the wet wooded lands, kicking up the mud around them. Dogs barked and snapped as men and women alike laid chase to their target. Hunters... after a vampire. "DON'T LET THAT MONSTER GET AWAY!"

"SURROUND HIM!" A man with fiery red hair stood center in a small plot of land free of the trees that filled the area. He just stayed there with his neutral gaze, as the humans circled him with their weapons brandished. The rain beat down against them all, lightning lighting up the cloud-filled sky and sparking in the man's eyes. His eyes narrowed as they darted about taking everything in, his hair plastered to his face and clothes soaked. The humans just grinned like madmen as several brave... and very stupid souls decided to make their move. 

"Get the ropes." A man called out as his wrist twitched, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Don't want the fucker trying anything." The Vampire just smirked as a crash of thunder sounded overhead startling many of the humans only for them to find the Vampire gone. "Shit! Where'd he..."

"I'm right here." The vampire growled as he pulled his hand free from the human's chest blood covering his hand down to his elbow. He smirked even more watching the body fall only for him to disappear again. He snapped another neck before the fight truly took off, as by then the initial shock had worn off. Silver went flying through the air as screams rang out like a cacophony drowned out only by the thunder that roared over them. 

A low dangerous growl sounded as the vampire slowly walked through the carnage left in his wake. The crunch of the blood-covered leaves resounded with every step as the rain did its best to destroy the mess. Although... the blood may run... the bodies remain. 

"Pests." The vampire growled angrily as he walked further along, retracing the path he knew the hunters had followed him until he found himself at this camp. Damn hunter parties... He didn't even do anything. There were no deaths, no attacks, no nothing... The fact that they got so close... They were going to have to move again.

But not before he finds out all he can from their camp.

The vampire glared everything down, his anger over the hunters burning through him. He did not hate humans. He just hated hunters and frankly... Humans were too young and unintelligent, not that he was calling them stupid just less intelligent than most vampires, to have any real thought on their species as a whole. To a vampire, a senior human is still nothing more than an oversized toddler. They were still learning... still trying to understand the earth and of their role. He just didn't have the care to put effort into them... Not as a species itself. But hunters...

Hunters could all burn.

The sound of something falling caught his attention instantly. His eyes flashed as the subtle sound of whines flitted to the vampire's ears. He let out a very curious rumble from his lips as he slowly sneaked his way closer to this one tent. His eyes narrowed as he took a deep breath, the scent of young blood filling the air.  He frowned already knowing what to expect and not too happy, as he pulled back the curtain to find a child not yet 3 standing in a crib just staring back at him. That was until the sound of yelling drew his attention in. 

The vampire flinched back quickly watching as this human woman stumbled in with a large wooden plank. She panted as she dropped it, pulling out a silver knife before chasing him out of the tent. The vampire just dodged every attack with an almost sad look as his eyes darted back to where the child was. She was going to kill him if he didn't... 

The vampire snapped her neck letting her fall to the dirt as he sighed only slightly remorsefully at her body. As much as he hated Hunters... he would never hurt a child... and he'd never willfully cause them to be orphaned with wonton violence. If the woman had never attacked him, he would not have killed her. Thus leaving her and the child alive to see tomorrow. 

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