Chapter 54:

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Chapter 54:

Beth's View

Sitting up in bed this morning, I am greeted with Daryl holding Jackson in his arms. I smile and for once I don't fear this moment. Ever since I flat lined and saw Joel in Heaven, I feel better about Jackson and what happened with my first baby boy, who I will always love no matter what. Coming over to me, Daryl kisses me and then hands me the tiny blonde baby boy. Looking down at the cute baby, his bright blue eyes echo in my soul. His little blonde hair peeks out below his blue knitted hat.

"Morning Mommy." Daryl says as he sits back in the chair and I hold Jackson close to my face so I can kiss his forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Amazing...hello Jackson. How's my baby boy?" The small boy blinks at her before yawning. "Oh my...are you tired?"

Kissing his head again, I feel utterly amazing. Daryl smiles and gets up, heading to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to tell Maggie and them yer awake." Daryl innocently says and I look down at Jackson. "Or do you not want to see them just yet?"

"I don't know... I just want some alone time with him and you."

"Okay." Coming back over to me, I feel off about Daryl today. He seems eager to put some space between us, or maybe that's just how I see it.

"Is something wrong?"


" just seem like you're eager to get it me?"

"I just said there's nothing wrong." He snaps and I sit back a bit. He hasn't snapped like that in a long time. Looking down at Jackson, I try to figure out what's wrong with me.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you angry."

"I'm not angry." His growl says differently.

Tears start to prick up in my eyes and he shakes his head. I try not to let him see me get upset, but I know he knows I'm upset.

"Jesus, don't cry."

"What's wrong with you?"


Crying harder, he throws his hands up in the air and leaves. For the passed two years, he's been like this a bit. Distant, cold, always working and always being slightly angry. Laying back against the bed, I brush my tears away and look down at Jackson, who is sleeping contently. Maggie and Glenn walk in and look at me with a smile playing on their lips as they come over and hug me.

"Hey! Oh he's so cute!!" Maggie says as she brushes her finger across Jackson's face. Glenn smiles and notices I'm upset. "Bethy, you okay?"

"Daryl and I kinda had a fight...well more like he was snapping at me and I'm like this...I don't even know what I did."

"He does seem a little weird today. Maybe he just didnt' sleep right." Maggie says trying to be reasonable. "I'm gonna go get a coffee. Do either of you want something?"

"No, I'm good thank you." Glenn says and I shake my head no. Once she leaves, Glenn sighs and sits beside my bed in the arm chair. "Beth...I have to tell you something."

"What? is everything okay with you and Maggie?" I say as he pushes his hand through his hair.

"Yeah...I think I know why Daryl's snappy...but you didn't hear it from me."

"What is it?"

"Before you go pregnant with Jackson...I was at the bar with Rick and well, huh, I saw Daryl with a woman...she was hanging all over him and he didn't exactly stop her. They left together...I followed them and they went back to her house. Beth, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but you said you were pregant again and I didn't know what to do." Sitting back against the bed, my stomach turns and Glenn reaches over and lays his hand on my lap. Tucking my bottom lip under my upper one, I try to hold back my tears, but they slowly stream down my cheeks. "No one else knows...I think he's snapping on you cause he's feeling for what happened at the woman's house, I can't account for what went on. I'm sorry Beth."

Maggie comes back and Beth wipes her eyes and Glenn sits back in his seat. My heart aches and I can't really breathe.

"Everything okay?" Maggie asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm just hormonal over how cute he is..." I kiss Jackson's head and Maggie rubs my arm. They leave an hour later and after everyone visits me, Daryl comes back in. The nurse had taken Jackson back to the NICU and now I'm just sitting in bed.

"I'm gonna go home and let the dogs out. They haven't been out all day." He says and goes to kiss me, but I move my head away from his lips. Pecking my temple he grabs his jacket and gets ready to go. "I'll see you tomorrow..."

"Do I know her?" He stops and looks at me confused.


"The woman you've been I know her at all?" Sighing, he sets his jacket on the chair by the door and shuts the room door. Tears fill up my eyes, but don't fall yet. He pushes a hand through his hair and sits in the chair with his jacket in his lap.

"How long have you known?" He asks quietly.

"That's beside the point. Do I know her?"

"No. You don't know her." I suck on my bottom lip and the tears fall. "Beth, I haven't seen her for a long time."

"How many times?"


"How many times did you fuck this woman Daryl?" Huffing air out, he tugs on his hair and then looks at me. He can't lie about not sleeping with her. "More than five times?"

"Yeah... something like that." I gasp my breath and close my eyes.

"What's her name?" I don't know why I care, but I do.


"Do you love her?" His head picks up and he looks at me with teary eyes and my heart breaks into a thousand pieces. "Do you love her, Daryl?"

"No. Beth, I..."

"I just can't hear how this is my fault right now..." Sighing, he looks at me with those broken eyes and I cry harder. He goes to leave, but stops short of the door handle. Looking back at me, his eyes say he's sorry, but it doesn't take away the pain.

"I'm sorry, Beth..."

"Yer sorry you got caught. Please go." He goes to refute my statement, but I look away and just look at the door. When he shuts the door behind him, I crying harder and harder.

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