Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

Beth's View

It's been six years already, but I'm worried. Daryl hasn't written or Skyped me for three of those six years. No word has gotten back to us about him. I still send letters and I still try to Skype, but he never responds. Was he really forgetting about me?

Sitting at my desk, I allow my students to go to lunch. As all the little first graders run down the hall, I sit stooped, confused, and hurt. Why hasn't he responded? Powering on my laptop, I immediately go to Skype and log in. Calling Daryl, no one answers at first, then Rick does.

"Hey gorgeous. How's life on the East coast going?"

"Um.... I'm good. Is Daryl there?" He goes silent an sits in the chair in front of the screen. His eyes are dull now and it seems life has been zapped from him.

"Darlin', um.... Sorry, I don't know how to say this.... but, Daryl's missing in action." My heart drops and I lay against my chair and feel my heart shriveling up. "Beth, we're trying to find him, but it's classified."

"I don't care if it's classified! Where is he??" Panic has set in and people passing in the hallway look in at Beth.

"I can't tell you, Beth. If we find him or get any unclassified info, I'll get ahold of you right away... I'm sorry." Rick says goodbye and signs off. How was he missing? He was only supposed to be an on deck officer. Working on engines and machines- not fighting or on land. Why was this happening?

Sitting at my desk I don't even try to eat my lunch. I drop my head into my hands on my desk and cry. My best friend. Gone from existence. I never thought this would happen. As I cry in my lap, none other than Lori comes in. I met Lori when I started working here, but never knew she was Rick's wife until she started telling me about him.

"Honey, are you okay?" She sets her papers down on a desk and comes to my side. Crouching, she has one hand on my arm and the other on my desk.

"It's Daryl.... He's... he's missing." She straightens her back and seems taken back by this.

"What? What do you mean missing?"

"I tried to Skype him and Rick picked up telling me he's missing in action.... He hasn't been answering me for three years. I thought he was forgetful or didn't want to talk. I didn't know he was missing. I..." She pulls me into a hug and shhhhs me. I just want Daryl. I just want him to hold me, even if it's not in an intimate way. I just want my friend back safe.

"It'll be okay. They'll find him Beth. They'll fin him an get him back to you. It'll be alright." She herself seems like she's upset. She hasn't quite been herself lately, but I don't get how. Rick gets to come home at some point every year or a few months here an there. She gets to hold her husband and love him and physically see him. Daryl isn't here to hug and hold, to love as a friend. He isn't anywhere close to being here. They can't even find him.

"What's up you? You haven't been yourself." I boldly ask, to deter my feelings, but to also genuinely care.

"I....huh, I did something bad. Been doing. I know you're a God fearing person, so maybe you can help me."

"Sure, what is it? Is it Carl?" Her teenage son had been acting out lately since Rick left again. It wouldn't surprise me if he was giving her problems.

"No, not Carl...Um, I... I slept with Shane." Asshole from the party a long time ago. Figures she'd be with a huge asshole. "It was only once, a few days before Rick surprised us by coming home... and I'm.. I'm pregnant now."

"You're pregnant? How could you do that? How could you cheat on Rick."

"This baby's Rick's." She growls, but we both hear the uncertainty in her voice.

"Is it? Cause you don't seem so sure."

"Beth. It is Rick's... and that's all that needs to be said." She nervously stands up and grabs her papers. Lunch is almost over an she needs to get to her class before the kids.

"Well, if that's the case and you're sure, you need to tell Rick. About Shane and the baby."

"I think it'll work itself out." She snarls before leaving out the room. If she wanted to get real advice, she shouldn't have asked me, cause apparently my advice is a joke.

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