Chapter 21:

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Chapter 21:

Daryl's View

Working on this hot roof, I can't think about the nails and the hammer any more, pounding into the steaming metal as Joe talks to the customer. All I can really think about is Beth, sleeping at home. It's may 30th and all my mind can really do is think about her and June 17th-our wedding day.

It's so close and I'm still not set on my vows, not to mention Merle's wedding is tomorrow. Tomorrow! I'm the best man and I don't even know what the best man does technically.

"Daryl, why don't you finish that tomorrow and come down and have a drink. Too damn hot to be up there!" Joe yells and I scramble down the later and over to them. they hand me a beer and I thank them. Opening it up, it calms me and my mind. "How's the fiancé?"

"She's good. Resting at home."

"When's the date again? Soon if I remember." Joe asks.

"The 17th so very soon."

"Good. Thinking about starting a family?" Really? Why do all married people have to have kids?

"Uh... I don't know. Beth wants some, but I'm not quick to jump on that train. Might not even make it to the station." I take another sip and they give me a look.

"Yer working properly aren't ya?" Asks the customer.

"Morgan. That's not really a right thing to ask a man."

"Joe, I'm just puttin it in the air and askin."

"Yeah. I work fine down there. Sometimes too well. I jus...huh, I don't like kids. They're needy, bratty, loud, time consuming, money consuming. I just wanna spend time and money on Beth...she's as about a child as an actual one." I take another drink and they just look at me.

"Babies are all those things...but damned if you don't grow attached." Morgan says showing me a picture of his son, Duane. "I was just like you growing up, only I had mine early when I wasn't ready for 'im. I was adamant about not having him....but when Shirley showed me that first sauna-gram picture of him....Mmm, if I hadn't got more excited about a blurry black an white photo ever in my life. Made me proud to be having a kid. made me want more. But this wife couldn't have more so I put all that love into Duane and my grand kids."

"See, Daryl, ya just have to have that one moment of pure excitement to realize that babies are wonderful gifts from God." Joe says as he claps me on the back.

Packing up my gear, I head home and find Maggie's car in the driveway. Parking in my spot, I head upstairs and inside. The house is bustling with woman and looking back out to the driveway, it's a wonder how eight woman for in just Maggie's car.

"Daryl!" Beth comes running over and jumps into my arms kissing me. She smells of Peach schnapps and whiskey. Kissing me hard on the cheek, she leaves red lipstick there and then holds me tight around my neck. "I love you! I've missed you."

"I've missed you too sweetie...What's..." She cuts me off.

"He called me sweetie!" She yells and the woman raise their glasses and cheer.

"Honey, how much did you drink?"

"Oh, ya know a bottle here, a bottle there, a bottle out there...." She pouts to different places before she tilts her weight backwards-hangin upside down with her legs wrapped tight around me. I hold her tight and make sure she doesn't fall.

"Bethy, what exactly is happening here?" She pulls herself back up by my flannel shirt and kisses me hard on the lips.

"We're having a woman's night. We wanted a stripper, but I told them you could do it!"

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