Chapter 28:

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Chapter 28:

Daryl's View

My team roams the city that looks like the apocalypse has taken over. Buildings blown to shit, starved people laying everywhere, and bombs constantly going off. It's like a scene from Call of Duty or World War Z even.

My men and I scavenge the desolate capital but don't find any real remains of existence. As we get closer to the bomb sites, I start to worry even more. They have evacuated as many people and civilians as they could, but HPSP still has hold over a lot of POWs.

We walk until we hit rubble blocking the road and suddenly we are under fire. I shove my men toward another pile of a collapsed building and we take cover. I try to spot the snipers on the buildings across from us, but it's hard.

"Okay we need a full on Scorpion and Firetail. I need people on flanks an a brush second sweep." I command and we set into motion. A set of my men head toward the left side of the rubble while my squadron heads to the right. Much like in Saving Private Ryan, we have our best sharpshooter take out the top HPSP sniper. We take the dug out portion of the rubble and storm the top bunker before rushing down the other side of the man made wall.

We take out a few nobody HPSP shooters and bar up the top pile where they've made a bunker for sharpshooting. As my fleet moves trough the labyrinth of city broken buildings and stone fences. A few of their snipers take out some of my men and we tangle up our ranks under a broken side of a building.

"Oscar we need to get up high and use downward force!" I command and some of my snipers start climbing up the buildings skeleton, while others I my men push forward and take out a few if the enemies.

Pushing full force, we are entering the deadliest area in the whole city. All the HPSP fighters are surrounding the old President's house, with an arsenal the size of a town.

"Okay men...this is the hardest part. Take out the front guard, storm the building quietly and take out Decari!" As we pick off the guards one by one, more keep piling out. Soon we see our men pushing full force from the high tops of broken buildings. They help us pick off more, but at this rate it's too dark to see and we need to rest. We set up guards so some of us can sleep. At early sun rise, we start the process all over again. This is harder than we thought. Harder than anyone thought. No one can get close enough and we are running out of energy and ammo.

After several weeks we barely gain any ground. We inch closer and closer, but we never get close enough to over power them and get inside.

"Daryl, we need more ammo and food. What are we gonna do, we need to get back to the ship and call in the Air Force!" Oscar says. He's right. Most men are out of their food and water. Others out of ammo and faith. "We can't get closer. We can't make it, sure it's close, but we can't over take them."

"That's not who we are." I say with power.


"That's not who we are! We can make it if we put all we got together and power through." I stand up and look at my men. "We have people at home. People we love and would do anything for. Now if you are true Naval Officers, you will all raise yer head, gather your strength and hope and follow me in there to kill this mother fucker! Cut the head off the snake!"

Men stand up and gather their forces. They look gruff and ready to kill people. No one backs down and all follow me toward the house that's guarded but not heavily. My right flank cross ties the the HPSP's guards and we storm the building. Some of our men get taken out as my small squadron cuts closer toward the main chamber.

As we take out the two guards in front of the chamber doors, we enter and find the Leader.

"In the name of US Naval Fleet- I hear by put you under arrest for terrorism, mass genocide, and other accounts of murder!" Oscar says and the leader starts laughing.

"You, silly, Mericans think, you can just take me in...I think not." opening his robe, he shows a pipe bomb strapped to his chest counting down from two minutes.

"Defuse that bomb and we'll take this easier on you."

"It's not about going easy on me. It's not about destroying my country. It's about sending a message."

"And what's that?" I ask as only Oscar, Tomas and I guard him while the others stand watch over some injuries dogs.

"I know you, Capt. Daryl Dixon." I try not to become eager. "You got married July 17th. You have a black dog named Moose and a brother named Merle."

I become angered and choke up on my gun.

"Oh yes. I know Dixon. You are the one who got away from the old leader. You killed my men and you dare to come back." The clock ticks down to a minute and thirty minutes. Suddenly my men are taken out and and the doors close and lock on us- trapping us in there with Decari.

"Defuse the bomb or I'll put a bullet in her head, you mass murdering fuckhead!" I scream as I get closer.

"Go ahead. Either way it goes off and you still die. And more of my disciples will jut start over and kill more Mericans until we finally land on yer continent. Then I will make sure that my men take good care of Beth." He holds out the th and I shoot him in the head. 50 seconds still on the clock.

"Get him under that desk by the window! Now ! Then hit the deck in that closet! Now!" I scream and we carry him over to the desk, shoving it up against the wall by the bullet proof window and we sprint to the closet. My men get in and I jump in pulling the door as it blows up the whole chamber. The heat is intense and I can feel my back burning. Getting on the radio I try and call back to the ship.

I don't get any response cause the battery is fried. The heat still flames on and we start to suffocate from the ash and not enough air. My eyes close and I can't feel a thing.

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