Chapter 71: $h!+ Hits the Fan

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Chapter 71: $h!+ Hits the Fan

Beth's View

Holy shit.

"John..." Espen's eyes sink and his brighten. Daryl looks between ten and I just step back and tend to Jackson. I knew one of these days the shit would hit the fan, but I never expected it to be over my baby boy getting his head stitched up. "What are you doing here?"

"It's my shift at the hospital for inservice...what are you..."

"Can we just stitch Jackson up and talk later?" I ask to take this moment down a few notches before something else stupid happens today.

"Of course." John says as he calls the nurses in and starts sewing Jackson up. He doesn't cry at all, my brave little man focuses on a sucker John gave him and I help him sit up still. When he's all finished, the nurses leave and John buzzes in that he's done with his shift. He and I were going to get dinner after he was done, but now I have a feeling Espen and Daryl will be joining us.

Walking out to out cars, it takes all of two seconds before someone brings it up.

"How do you two know each other?" Daryl stupidly asks.

"He was my fiancé."

"You mean before you found out he was gay." Way to fucking go Daryl. This is interesting.

"What? I'm not gay dude."

"You sure?"

"Yes, in fact, Beth and I were just about to go out for dinner." Great, fucking great!

"Excuse me?"

"I said we were going out for dinner..."

"What!" Espen and Daryl growl at the same time.

"Well how do you know her/him?" Espen and Daryl over lap each other as they yell and me and John.

"Have you been dating him?" Espen and John interrogate me and Daryl.

With Jackson in the car and all the noise around me, I'm not sure who threw the first punch, but I know that the security guards arrested them both.


Daryl's View

Sitting in a jail cell with just a row of bars between Dickhead and I, I glare him down with a fat lip and bruising eyes. He's much more stronger than I expected him to be when I punched him. I didn't expect getting hit in the face by that handsome, not gay, guy would hurt so much. He's got a bruised cheek, and a bleeding cut on his cheek, from where I rubbed his face on the cement, but he doesn't look as bad as I do.

"You should ask for some ice...for yer eye." That asshole says as he rubs his shoulder. I ignore his comment. "You in the military?"

I look away and he sighs.

"Man, I'm just trying to talk to ya and yer the one who threw the first punch....Nice left by the way." Looking at him, he doesn't seem all that bad...even if he is with Beth.

"Navy. Sorry I hit ya."

"I get it....I was about to hit you." He admits and I look at the white ceiling. "How'd you know Espen?"

"How do you know Beth?" I counter. We both glare at each other, before we sigh in unison.

"I saved her purse from a mugger and healed her sprained ankle." He offers me that and I shake my head. Time to reveal myself.

"I offered Espen a place to stay after she got a job at my work as a blue printer. How do you know her?"

"I was engaged to her like she said...we lost a wasn't even mine, but I loved it like my own. I know you know what that feels you can lose each other from it." How does this prick know anything about me or my feelings? Shit, Beth. "Have you and Espen..."

"Once...but I fucked that up cause I..." I won't say it. Not to him.

"You still love her..."

"You sure yer not gay?" I ask him again and he looks at me as if I'm dumb, which I am. "Espen made me realize I still love her... Now seeing you and 'er my better judgement is saying she's probably better off with ya, you fuck."

"Ha, we haven't ever moved that far, but I know it's not cause she wants to wait like she says...shes still hooked on ya. I can feel it, see it. When I saw the way she looked at you, I knew her and I weren't going anywhere."

"That's okay though, cause I'm pretty sure Espen was looking at you the same way. Hopeless love."

"You think? Shit...we both been fighting that we ain't realized what's right for our girls." He stands up and comes to the bars between us. Going to him, he sticks his hand through, open handed and we shake hands. "We needa sort this out. All of us."

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