Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

Daryl's View

I kept my promise to Beth. After two miserable days, she's finally standing in the hospital lobby waiting for me to get released. As I grab my bag and check with the head nurse, I start walking out and she just smiles widely and hastily walks to me. Throwing herself around me, she holds onto my neck and I walk a few steps out the door with her like that. Getting out to the valet, who has brought her truck around, we get in and she drives out of the parking lot.

"I've made a few phone calls and got on the inter-web of knowledge and found four therapists in the immediate area that deal with military vets exclusively for depression and everything."

"We can not talk about that right now...I just wanna go home and make love to you." I place my hand on her knee and she just freezes and looks at me quickly as she focuses back on the road.

"Daryl, we're gonna discuss this now. Cause once we get home, I don't think you'll hear me clear enough."

"It's no different. I'll hear you there, just like here." I'm a little snarky, but I don't push my luck with her.

"We both know that's not true. In here you have to listen cause you can't walk away. At home, you'll be distracted and less information and communication will take place."

"Hmm? I'm sorry, I was imagining what I am gonna do to you when I get you home." She gives me a stern look and I know my joking has just run it's course.


"I'm sorry. I jus...huh, it's hard to just deal with this with you." She gives me a jarring look and then goes back to the road.

"What do you mean, with me?" I can't tell if she's angry or upset.

"I didn't mean it as yer the problem. I meant it as, you seeing me like I'm not strong or a man."

She drives down our street and parks outside the apartment building, but she doesn't get out.

"Daryl, this is serious. I know yer a very strong man. Asking for help doesn't make you any less strong or a man. I'd never see you as anything but those things." She unbuckles and scoots into the middle of the bench seat. She plants a soft, lamenting kiss on my lips. "I love you and nothing can change that."

"Beth...yer what makes me strong." I can't keep my hands or lips off of her. I can hear her moan in throat and open the door after unbuckling and I keep her lips on mine as I pull her from the truck and lead her inside and up to our apartment. I only pull away when she starts unlocking the door, but I kiss and tend to her neck as I move my free hand slowly up the front of her shirt from behind.

"Can't you wait until we get inside? Haha yer so impatient." She giggles as she opens the door. I drop my bag immediately and start tearing her shirt over her head. We kick our boots off as we head to the bedroom, but we don't even make it to the hallway before she is unzipping my pants and I begin to pull off my t-shirt. Setting her on her, what looks like a big tan bean bag, love sack and I start stripping her even more, until she's fully exposed. I start kissing her perky breasts, but she pushes me back and looks at me.

"Pants. Boxers." She demands and I stand back up and start pulling them off as she strips out of her own pants and thong. Before I can get down to touch her, she's on my dick immediately. She places with it in her hand, making it harder from her touch. She stops stroking and puts me in her mouth. Sucking and licking me, I lock my legs and hold onto her head as I shift into a world of pleasure. Her head bobs to and from my body as I swell in her mouth. I greedily tug her away before I find my release and I lay her down.

I rub my thumb over her hardened clit before I slip two fingers inside. She lays back in the love sack and bears down on my fingers. I can feel her becoming more saturated in her own arousal as I pump harder and rub faster. Dropping my mouth to her lower lips, I let my tongue take over. Touching her this way, I can feel her starting to spin out of control.

"Mmmm, Daryl." She moves her pelvis up and down, then pulls me from her just as I had done. We switch places, so I am sitting in the love sack. She stand over top of me and soon lowers herself to my elated member. "Ahhhh, mmmm."

"Still so tight, god I love you." I whisper on her lips. Sitting up and placing her hands on my chest, she rides me with a quickened pace. It feels so good letting her take over and make the pace. I know if helps her get to orgasm faster.

"Oh Daryl....uhh you fell so good. Mmm." She keeps the pacing nice and I stroke her breast with my hands. Her skin is soft and like velvet. I can feel us getting closer to the fantastic end. She clenches around me and finds her release, but doesn't stop riding me, until I get closer.

"Ahh, I think I'm gonna cum. Huh, Beth...Mmmm." Finally I cum and it lasts for a while, 15 seconds with of cum is a lot, longest ever for me. "Ahh, I'm still going. Huh..."

When I finally stop, she smiles at me wide, but doesn't get off.

"I think it's gonna make a mess if I move."

"Yeah...huh....sorry baby."

"That was a long one Daryl." She smiles an laughs. "What am I gonna do so it doesn't get all over the place?"

"Hold on, I gotta idea." Hunching forward, I wrap her legs around me and hold her tight as I get up. I try to avoid holding her on my bad arm, but carry her to the bathroom rather awkwardly. I get in the tub and let her down.

"Smart. But...we left a trail."

"Wha...oh. Well then, that was utterly pointless. Haha." We both look at the floor and there is small white milky dots speck long the floor.

"It was a valiant effort." She kisses my face and we go and get dressed after I clean up my mess. When I come back, the sun is preparing to set an she is laying on the love sack looking up at me from her side. Taking my phone out I take a picture and then lay in front of her.

"I love you."

"I know. You tell me all the time." He giggles and places with my hair. "It's getting longer."

"I know, I need to cut it."

"No. I like it. I mean, I don't want it too long, but I like it this length." Kissing her, I can't imagine being anywhere else than right here in this moment.

"I'm really glad I have you. Before, I would've never thought this would be us... but now I can't imagine it any other way."

"Yer so sentimental Daryl Dixon. I want to know where this was when we were younger."

"It was there, but I just didn't think I'd like being this way."

"Well I love you this way...every way really." Pulling her onto my chest as I roll over, I stretch and grab the Angora blanket from the couch and we soon fall asleep.

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