Chapter 48:

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Chapter 48:

Beth's View

He's so damn tiny. So tiny and so beautiful. It's take a few days for it all to fully sink in that this is my son. That this is mine and Daryl's baby boy. Our miracle. I hold him so much in the hospital. They been keeping me for a while now cause it's part routine and part making sure nothing goes wrong with myself or Joel.

Joel. Such a great name Daryl gave him. Honestly I was a bit nervous letting Daryl pick the name, but Joel Wes is the best name ever for this beautiful baby boy. I know why he picked it too. When we were going up, Daryl would take newspapers around town as a delivery boy. Since his dad was an asshole and his mother a nut, Daryl needed something constructive to do when I was at piano lessons. So he got a job throwing newspapers... but this soon turned into him taking close care of an old hermit named Joel Weston. Joel Weston was over 80-some years old and was anything but nice. He had no living relatives and and was alone in this big world. Day after day, Daryl would take it upon himself to visit Joel and say hi or do some chores for him- for free mind you. Hoel would be mean to Daryl and crude, but Daryl being the person he is broke down those angry walls and got Joel to be a little nicer to him. They talked about everything under the sun. Joel's life in the war, his job, his first pet, first car, first love-anything that was a secret for that old man, was shared with Daryl. One day when we were on our way to the park, Daryl and I stopped by. He really badly wanted me to meet him, but sadly we found him passed out. Getting him to the hospital, he late died and Daryl went into a depressive state. That's about the same time he started pulling his hair when he was really upset.

For him to name our son after someone who impacted his life so much in such a short amount of time, makes me feel wonderful. Because it's another reminder of how wonderful a person Daryl is and why I love him.

"Hey sweetheart. How's our lil man doing?" Daryl just got off work from my dad's and came out to check on us. Coming over he kisses me and looks at the sleeping child.

"I breast fed him today! They let me do that. They say he's responding better than he was a few weeks ago and now I can do that."

"That's wonderful. How's my beautiful wife doing?"

"Stop....haha, I'm fine...I missed you today. Waking up next to yer snoring...I hope you know I got two extra hours of sleep and I hated it." I tease him and he leans down attacking my neck with kisses and nibbles.

"Well, I'll just have to bunk my Joel from now on. He'll appreciate my snoring."

"Haha, no one appreciates yer snoring but me."

"Haha, this is true. So..."

"Is that a bruise on yer cheek?"

"Oh...yeah. Damn Nelly kicked me today. Hurts like hell, but I don't think it's bad."

"That's cause you can't see it. You should get it checked out." I play with Joel's fingers and he sleepily grabs my finger. "Ah, it's so amazing how strong he is. I'm in love deeply."

"Haha...he's too damn cute for his own good. He's gonna have all the girls." Daryl cockily says and I push his shoulder. "Oh don't be that mother who hates every girl he dates."

"If I don't be, he'll think all of them are perfect and marry the wrong one...Its a rule that boys always marry the ones the mother approves of. Just like the girls only marry who the fathers like."

"Yeah...we won't have that problem."

"You never can be sure Daryl Mychal. It could happen." I poke fun and he growls a bit and then Joel yawns, opening his eyes. "Oh look who's up...hi baby."

"You gonna talk in that baby voice all the time?"

"Yes...Im entitled too."

"Whatever you say love. Joel!" He says happily and the baby smiles.

"I love his eyes. He's so adorable."

"You think kids will make fun of him?" Daryl says with regret.

"No. They'll admire him for it. He's too damn cute."

"That's cause he looks like you but masculine a bit."

"Nice save."

"Haha, babe, I love you so much." Kissing my lips I swoon cause he's the love of my life.

"Yer the love of my life Daryl Dixon. And don't you forget it." I warn him with a kiss and couldn't be more happy.

"Trust me. I won't."

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