Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12:

Beth's View 💚

I'm numb and shattered. Sitting in my coat king spot at my apartment building, I can't breathe. He's gone. He's not with me for God knows how long. I've only had him back for two weeks and he's gone, out of my arms. I know it's for the best, but I need him.

Walking up the stars to my apartment, Michone catches me as she opens her door.

"Hey, I was jus seeing if you and Daryl wanted to.... honey what's wrong?" Coming closer she wraps me in her arms and I let the tears stream down my china doll face.

"He's in the VA. He...he's not himself. What am I gonna do?" Pulling me I to her apartment, we sit on her couch. Andre is playing on the floor with wooden blocks and Rick is cook dinner.

"What do you mean he's not himself?"

"What happened?" Rick chimes into the conversation while stirring noodles.

"Daryl's in the VA. Sweetie, what happened? He seemed fine yesterday when he took the trash out."

"He...he an I were messing around. Then he went stiff. When I tried to bring him back he threw me to the coffee table and held a knife to my throat." The dam breaks and more tears flood from my eyes, drowning my cheeks in eminent sorrow. Rick puts the wooden spoon down on the counter and sits on the coffee table in front of me. Him and Michone look my neck over and find the scratch.

"Honey, he could've killed you." Michone gasps and Rick shakes his head.

"Did you force him to go to the VA?"

"No...he told me he couldn't be around me if he was gonna be like this. He willed to go."

"Sweetie, this is for the best. He needs help and he's right in asking for it. We know he's never hurt you intentionally. This is gonna be good for him. He needs to heal properly."

"Yeah, with doctors and professionals. He loves you, Beth. And Chone and I aren't gonna let you feel down about this. You can still see him right?"

"Only if he does good this week. Then O might be able to see him...but that all depends on him."

"Well come here." Michone pulls me I to a hug and I sift my hands in her hair. "This weeks gonna fly by. Its already Tuesday and come Monday, you'll be able to see him."

"Yeah, just let the medical professions take care of him. Daryl's a fighter, but he'll come back to ya."

I stay the night at there place, even though I love right next door. It's stupid. I don't wanna go back to my own place unless he's there. Unless I can see and touch him. Mostly cause he doesn't talk much, never really had. Laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling, my stomach turns and turns. Will he really be okay? Who's to say when he gets out that he'll want me? Who's to say he won't want to move on and find someone else? If he goes back to normal, he'll never want me, I know he won't. Old him never wanted me, though he said he had. What am I to do? To say even? What does one say when someone they know had tried to kill them? It's absurd to have to think that way, but I have too. Michone's right, he could have killed me. I could be dead in the morgue right now cause he flipped. Dead. Huh, but I'm not thank God. I'm alive.

The next few days are rough. I still stay at Michone's when I'm not working. I take care of Andre and cook and grade my papers- anything to keep busy and not think about him. It's Sunday an that means one more day before I can hopeful see Daryl. I haven't got any calls about how he's doing, which is kinda weird, but maybe that's how Dale runs his floor.

"A!" Andre yells as he holds up a block I've given him.

"Very good!"

"H!" I hand him another one when Michone comes in.

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