Chapter 58:

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Chapter 58:

Beth's View

"Daryl...wake up...someone's here to see you." Softly cooing to him, his eyes slowly open and Jackson gets a huge smile on his face and he starts bouncing a bit in my arms.

"Hey... are you?" His voice is slightly weak and he's still very pale. Kissing his forehead, I mind Jackson's head and he kiss Jackson's cheek. When I pull back, Jackson waves his arms and bounces a bit more.

"You want Daddy to hold you?" He keeps bouncing and waving his arms and smiling brightly, so I hand him to Daryl. "He's been like this all morning..."

"His birthday's coming up..."

"I don't think that's the reason he's so happy. I think it's cause he was worried about you." Sitting on the side of the bed, I lay a hand on his knee and rub my hand up and down it.

Watching Jackson lay down on Daryl's chest, kills me a bit. Daryl might not have been here and he wouldn't have known his dad. a few tears escape me and he just frowns. Wiping them away, his hand gently brushes across my cheek.

"It's okay, Jitter Bug. I'm here. I ain't going anywhere."

"Daryl, I love you."

"I know baby girl. I love you too, more than anything." Jackson is playing with Daryl's goatee and I swoon at my baby who's turning 1 in a few days. "Jack? What are you doing buddy?"

He looks up at him and smiles and then grabs onto his necklace.

"Jackie? Hey, Jack? Where's daddy?" Beth asks and he looks at her before smiling at us. "Point to daddy?"

The small child smiles wider and Daryl helps him sit up on his lap. He begins playing with Jackson's hands and the baby smiles and gurgles with joy.

"Knock knock...."

"Maggie, Glenn. Thanks for coming." I get up and hug them and them.

"How are you feeling Daryl?" Maggie asks.

"I'm doing better....still a little cold and tired."

"The doctor said he has hypothermia, but is gonna make a full recovery."

"Well that's good. Glad yer okay, man." Glenn hands him a card and Daryl smiles as Jackson grabs it.

"Haha, Jackie, no...that's not for you. It's for Daddy." I gently take it before the baby can put it in his mouth.

"His birthday's coming up. Are you guys doing anything special?" Kissing the baby's head, Maggie smiles and then checks her phone.

"Well, we're throwing a party...." I say and look at Daryl. "I mean you only turn one once..."

"You only turn every age once...silly." He looks at me with a smile and I roll my eyes with a smile.

After Maggie and Glenn go home and Jackson is fast asleep on Daryl's chest, I lean out of my chair and kiss him. Soon I kiss him a buoy harder and slowly insert my tongue in his mouth and he gras the side of my face.

When we pull apart, he seems like when we were young and first starting our love.

"It's time for me to go..." As I go to move away, he grabs my waist and kisses me again.

"Good evening Cinderella."

I blush and feel a twist in my stomach. This hasn't happened to me in a long time. Grabbing my hands, he kisses my palms and then hugs me while minding Jackson.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Daryl."

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