Chapter 53:

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Chapter 53:

Daryl's View

Waiting in the hospital, I try not to cry and I try not to think the worst, but how can't I? She was bleeding. That doesn't happen unless something's wrong with the baby. As I'm waiting, Joel crosses my mind. What does he look like now? Can he speak? Is he actually watching over us? I need heaven to survive now. Before, I never believed in God or Heaven, but I have to believe Joel is in a better place than just the ground. There has to be a better place for him.

"Mr. Dixon." A female doctor with blonde hair comes out.


"I'm doctor Sarah Hayes. Beth just came out of surgery and is doing fine."

"And the baby?"

"Premature, but healthy. It wasn't an easy decision, but Beth made it clear that if anything was to happen, that we were to save the baby over her. Lucky for us, they're both healthy and going to a fine." I feel all the weight fall off my shoulders and my heart lift. "Beth is still under, but your son is in the can go see him."

"Thank you..."

Walking to the NICU, I give them my name and they let me in to see my tiny son, about the size of Joel, but slightly bigger, laying in a plastic heating crib sleeping. He looks so peaceful and so beautiful. His little blue hat barely fits him and they dressed him in a tiny blue outfit. Getting down low, I notice his blonde hair and his eyes open and are blue like Beth's. My heart sinks a bit as I remember doing this with Joel.

"Hey,'s me...I'm yer Dad." The tiny boy yawns and closes his eye as he goes back to sleep under the warm lamp. I sit there for hours watching him sleep, with the occasional nurse coming over to check his vitals and everything. And after so long, a nurse comes to get me.

"Yer wife is awake, Mr. Dixon. You can see her."

"Thank you, what room is that?"


"Thanks." Getting up he says goodbye to Jackson and that he loves him and heads to go see Beth. Laying in her bed, she still seems dazed, but is fully awake. "Hey Jitter Bug..."

"Bugga..." She quietly says and he goes to her.

"Guess who I just seen...Jackson...he's so beautiful." He kisses her head and sits beside her. He hopes she doesn't have another episode like after the accident.

"I know...I saw him." He says and he doesn't understand. "I saw him too."


"I was with Him...and Joel..." She says and it confused him.

"Honey...what do you mean Him and Joel?"

"I met Jesus and Joel. He's so big now and so beautiful, Daryl...he has yer hair and his eyes...his eyes are still so beautiful and vibrant." Taking her hand, he doesn't understand what she's talking about.

"Honey, are you still drugged?"

"I saw him Daryl. He's not small any more and he does watch over us. All of us. He's been watching over his brother and us." She smiles at the ceiling. "Everything was so beautiful."

"What was?"

"Heaven. It was beautiful and bright with so many indescribable things. Joel was there playing games with yer mom and Jesus. And he kept telling me how beautiful Jackson is. Then he showed me you and him in the NICU...Daryl, I'm not scared any more." Looking deep into her eyes, Daryl can feel his heart crushing a bit. "He told me he doesn't want us to be sad any more and to move on cause he knows we love him. He said that he never blamed us for what happened and that Nana was the one who brought him through the gates."

Tears escape their eyes and now Daryl realizes that Beth isn't crazy, but actually must have died at some point during the operation and went to Heaven.

"He said he love us and Jackson and wants us to be happy. That he's always watching over us and that Papa is sorrow for hurting you all those years ago."

"What? My dad?"

"He says he watches him in prison...makes sure he's okay...Daryl, our little boy was so beautiful." Pulling her into his arms, he can't breath fully. "All those times I thought I heard him or saw him, it was him. He said he wanted me to see he was with us."

I hold her tight until the tears stop falling. That night, when I go home from hospital, I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling.

"Joel, I love you son...I didn't believe yer mom at first, but I do now. I love you no matter what happens and I'll never stop thinking about you. One day I'll meet you. Thank you for yer beautiful life and what you did for yer mother and Jackson today. Thank you, Joel....thank you. I love you so much."

I cry myself to sleep, but not from pain, from joy and peace.

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