Chapter 33:

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Chapter 33:

Daryl's View

Sitting in the dimly lit room, I've sat here for about a week with no sign of actual life. Her scars are stitched up and her wrist is wrapped in a cast cause she ended up breaking it Jim threw her down the stairs. Her head is wrapped, but a small blood stain still slips through the top layer.

They said they're surprised she survived the bullet. They said it hit in the best area cause it didn't damage her brain, but scalped her pretty good. It took the top layer of her skill, going right through. The doctors were forced to put her in an induced coma so she can heal.

"How she doing?" Merle asks from the doorway. I look up at him with a small, sad smile, and then back at her.

"Doing okay. They're not sure if they can take her off oxygen yet or if they should keep her on it for another week." I try not to break down, but it's inevitable. "This is on me...That fucking bastard... I should've killed him when I got there!"

"Now, now lil Brudder, he's gone. He can't hurt 'er no mo'. You can't blame yerself. That could've been you in the body bag and that would't have stopped him from putting her in one too. Be thankful she's here, breathin'."

"Yeah...yer right. I jus...Huh, I was so caught up in a nightmare that I ignored closer ones right next door...." I touch her face, which is black and blue with a huge bump on her cheek bone.

"Keep touchin' that bump and she's gonna nut punch ya when she wakes up." Making me laugh, I rub her arm.

"All she wanted was a baby...and I was so selfish and refused to even talk to her about what she wants.... Now she might never get her chance."

"Stop it. She's gonna be fine! And so are you! Just focus on the present." He holds her goo hand and puts on a bracelet with a cross on it. "Got this from Ma's jewelry box a long time ago. She was gonna let the state decide what to do with it, but I took it. New there was gonna be some faithful person who done need I guess it's in the bet place. Now Ma's with 'er."

"Thanks brother." Getting up he hugs Merle and they talk for a while before they both have to leave.

Pulling in the driveway, he checks on Moose and Koda. Carrying the puppy around, he feeds him by the bottle and sit on the couch.

His mind wanders to Beth. She'd be a great Mother. Beautiful. Natural. Perfect. He has no doubt she'd be good at having babies...but he wouldn't be. He rough. Hardened. Imbalanced with emotions. He would never be a good father.

Koda looks up at him and makes a lil barking/whimper sound and tries to open his eyes, but he's too you for that.

"Shh. It's okay Koda. Yer alright." He strokes the puppy's chin and eventually they fall asleep.

2 Weeks later

Today's the day. Heading into the hospital, I wait as the doctors bring Beth out of her coma and take her off the breathing tube. I sit for what feels like hours before I notice her eyes flutter open.

"Beth!" He starts to cry and he sits up and places his hand on her arm.

"Daryl...what happened?" She groggily asked as stretches a bit, but finds her body aches.

"You were shot in the head...Im sorry Baby."

"I was my save you..." She looks at me with dull blue eyes and gives me a small smile.

"Don't you smile at that, Greene. It should be me in that bed. Not you. Never you." Standing up I lean forward and kiss her lips.

"Yer so dramatic." She laughs, but stops when it hurts. "Anything I miss?"

"No...I missed you though. All of you."

"You can cut the dramatics...I'm fine." She snaps and I sit back. This isn't my Beth.

"No." I sit down and just watch her. Hoisting herself up, she sits up and looks at me.

"I'm sorry Daryl. I didn't mean to snap."

"It's fine. I'm just glad yer okay. Can I get you anything?"

"Hmm...well I could go for some Molten Lava Cake..." She smiles wide and I do too.

"That's my girl. I'll call Abe and have him bring ya some." Taking my hand with her finger tips out of her cast, she takes my hand to her lips and kisses it. "Yer so beautiful..."

"Stop, I look like Scar face mixed with Hunchback of Notre Dame."

"No. Yer the most gorgeous woman in the world. I love you." Kissing her lips she makes an ow sound when part of my lip hits her bruise. "I'm sorry ..."

"No, I like that pain...cause it's from something sweet." Her eyes start to gain that sparkle again and I'm glad to see she's becoming her old self. "How's Koda?"

"Growing. Put on quite some weight. Haha, tries to bark and it freaks him and Moose out."

"Haha...I miss my lil baby." She says without a care. I wanna bring up the topic if babies, but I feel it's not the right time.

"Doctor says you can come home tomorrow if you feel up to it." I brush my fingers against her arm and she just smiles and grabs into my belt loop.

"I'd like that."

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