Chapter 64:

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Chapter 64:

Beth's View

"What do you mean us?" I look at him with somber eyes, though he can't see me through the darkness of the night.

"I mean, we're not who we were."

"And that's my fault?" Nastiness come from my mouth and he just lets go of my hand.

"Okay, I get I messed up, but you really have to consider it's not all my fault." Sitting up I turn on the light and glower at him.

"Excuse me! Yer the one who cheated! You chose someone else! I was depressed and you were an asshole!" Standing up, he starts pulling on his jeans and buckling his belt.

"Really? So you can't have any forgiveness."

"No. Not for you being an asshole and cheating on my. I could accept it if you did it once, but you didn't! You kept it up for months!"

"What do you want from me, Beth! What the fuck do you want? I can't go back and change what I did! So what do you want?" He screams and I just feel my body collapsing in on itself. What do I want? I don't want a cheater. I
want to be able to trust him, but honestly I haven't trusted him in a long time. "Well?"

My silence fills in the blanks and his face droops, anger turning to sadness and my own sadness turning into nothingness.

"Really? You want to do that?" Sighing, he lets his body hang and he just shakes his head. "If that's what you want...fine."

He slowly slides his wedding band off his hand and lays the ring on the dresser before grabbing a shirt and tugging it on, he goes to the door. Giving me one last last look, he leaves, making my heart heave and tears bursting to the surface.


Eight Months Later

Coming out of my apartment, I carry Jackson on my hip and head to my truck. Putting him in the carseat, I buckle him in and go around to my side. As I drive through Macon, I hear Jackson gurgling and cooing in his seat. He's gotten bigger and is still learning how to form letters and how to stand on his own.

It sucks being without Daryl. The divorce went through in under a month surprisingly and the custody over Jackson was simple enough, I get him all the time except for every two weekends when Daryl gets him. Today is Saturday and I'm taking him to Daryl's. It's been eight months, but it doesn't feel that way. My heart still hurts and I still cry at night, if I start thinking about him.

I thought I'd be happy with the divorce, but I think that was my feminist side talking too much. Constantly a side of me would say 'I'm too strong to need him' or 'He's taking this harder than me', but when the day is over and I settle back in my lonely bed, I realize it's more agony than bliss. I didn't just lose my husband and father to my son, I lost my best friend.

"Here we are, Jackie. Let's go see Daddy." I happily say as Jackson bounce in his seat. As I pull into the driveway, there's an unknown Ford Focus in the driveway. Stopping the car, I wait a few seconds, before getting out and grabbing Jackson and his weekend bag from the back. The warm May breeze catches my hair and Jackson smiles as it hide my face. "You think that's funny? Well now."

Walking up the too familiar steps, I knock on the door and am taken back when sexy blue eyed, brunette opens the door....but it's not Daryl.

Author's Note

Dear Bethylers,

I know I am probably making you scream at yer screens and cry to the heavens, but please trust that I have a great plan.

Sadly I was running out of ideas the last time I wrote for this, so I decided to take a few days to find a new approach. Please trust that I will, maybe after a few chapters, get Bethyl back on track, but in the mean time please enjoy what I have in store for you and trust that Bethyl or whatever comes from this plot twist will lead us to entertainment.



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