Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18:

Beth's View

I sent Daryl and Moose outside while I start dinner. The steak is grilling to perfection for Daryl and my fish is sauteed and grilling nicely. As I stir the noodles, I catch a glimpse of Daryl teaching Moose commands out by the pound. He's growing a bit more attached to the puppy and I can't help but smile at how adorable they are. Moose is broad shouldered and when Daryl commands him to come, the dog sprints and shoulders Daryl right in the groin with his head- knocking him over. He's rolling on the ground holding himself and I can't stand seeing his pain. Turning the temperature down on the burners, I go outside with a bag of ice and sit next to him.

"Brought you this." I hand it to him and the puppy comes to his face and I smile wide.

"Thanks...damn dog."

"Oh, he didn't mean it."

"Yeah well, I haven't had that done to me since I was 18. Still fucking hurts." He takes the ice and places it on his boys and just looks at me. He sits up and gazes out at the pond, we both know the moment he's talking about. "Think that was the only time we were close like we are now."

"Yeah...I just didn't understand any of it." I sit back and think back to that night by the pond.

We had just had a long day helping my dad with the fields. We decided to head down the the pond behind his house. Getting there, we stripped to our undergarments and dove in. We swam for hours and when we got out, laid on the grass next to each other. Getting a little heated, I rolled on top of him, sopping wet. He held me close and I just took him in. When we got up, he looked different, leaning down toward me, I couldn't figure out why he looked that way...until he kisses me and I freaked out, kicking him in the family jewels. We wiped that from our memory after I felt bad for hitting him and he felt bad for kissing me- blaming it on hormones... which I guess I also had but didn't understand.

"I'm sorry." I lean into him and he pulls me onto his lap and lays back in the snow.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have kissed a 14 year old. You were just so cute and innocent."

"What do you mean were?! I'm still cute and innocent."

"Cute yes...innocent...definitely not. Not after last night...and this morning. And all those other times."

"Alright fine! Haha so I'm not innocent. Doesn't matter-I'm still cute."

"More like sexy." Standing up he empties the ice to the ground and pulls me close. "I think, we should go inside and get warm. Yer freezing out here without a jacket."

Taking his off, we trudge up to the house, with Moose in toe. Walking into the basement game room, we kick the snow off our boots and leave them by the sliding glass door, before easing upstairs.

"We should get a pool table!" I laugh and gesture to where it would be.

"Yeah, I was thinkin' bout it actually." He smiles and smacks my ass up the stairs. It's funny thinking back to when we were little and he'd do this.

"You have a fascination with my ass don't you?"

"What? I mean, it's perfect, but I don't get what you mean?" We close the basement door after letting Moose up and I lean against the door and okay with the buttons on his shirt.

"When we were kids you used to do that when we walked up the stairs. Smack my ass." Pulling at his collar, I kiss him hard and then release him. "I think dinner is just about done."

"Hmm, good. I'm starving." Kissing me one more time, he releases me and then turns to Moose. "Sit."

The dog sits and wags his tail. I can't even begin to be amazed at how cute he is.

"What else did my boy learn?"

"Down." Moose lays down and I clap my hands.

"Play dead." Moose lays on his side and stops wagging his tail until Daryl clicks his fingers, before sitting up. "Roll over."

The dog rolls over and then sits up.

"That's so cute. How did he learn all of this in only a few hours?"

"I'm a very good teacher. I taught you a few things, remember?"

"Ahh yes, I do remember. Bike riding, fishing, football, swimming. You are very good Mr. Dixon." I kiss him again as I start playing our dinner. "Can you feed Moo?"

"Moo? Haha okay, baby." Putting food in Moose's dish, Daryl comes back over and we both start eating. "Mmm, so delicious. Thank you, Sweetie."

"My pleasure."

We eat dinner and then head back upstairs. It's evident that sex comes to us and we both please each other.

Falling asleep, I begin to dream of our future. What will it bring? Hopefully, love, happiness, and the pitter patter of little feet.

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