Chapter 16:

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Chapter 16:

Beth's View

It's Friday, Valentines Day! School has been let out early, since this happens every Valentines day. I'm so excited for this holiday because it's the first holiday I really get to spend with Daryl and we can be as romantic as we want. He's been busy the past two days. He's mostly been out in the small town of Macon building with his new boss. I haven't been getting to see him a lot lately, which is why tonight is going to make everything ten times better. Getting home, I find a note in the kitchen table, but no Daryl.

"Beth, get dressed and do whatever you feel necessary for tonight...I need you to bring yer things to this address in Macon. I want to show you what I've been slaving away at for the past two days. Don't worry the boss don't care. Afterwards we can hit the town for dinner and then we can exchange gifts. Wink wink.

Love Bugga Bear."

I don't really wanna drive all the way out to Macon by myself, but I do wanna see Daryl. Getting a shower and finding my black lacy dress, that has a cute red belt with it and it's strapless top, I find my red high heels, do my make up and then is out the door, grabbing Daryl's gift before leaving.

As I drive to Macon, I think about my gift. What if it's too much? What Daryl doesn't know is I really went all out for him and all he probably got me is some perfume that he thinks I will like, which I mean it's the thought that counts, but he is a guy and most guys don't think about what women really want. Driving through Macon, I follow the directions Daryl has left me. Passing the elementary school, it looks tiny, but welcoming. Then I head down the street passed a few cute houses and a small suburb until I get back to a small country road. Taking it, I can see lamps at the end of the driveway and read the address. It matches the one Daryl gave me and I drive up the long driveway until I see Daryl standing outside a big Log cabin, by his truck. I park and kill the engine. He comes over and I roll the widow down.

"Hey, I'm lost. I'm looking for my boyfriend. Can you help me?"

"Well pretty lady, ain't not boyfriends around here, but if ya free I got something Big I'd like to show you." I laugh and look around.

"I don't know if my boyfriend would approve of this. It is Valentines day and I did promise him something pleasurable."

"Well, I hope he don't mind sharing."

"Haha, okay. Haha let me see what you've been working on." He helps me from the truck and I can see he's dressed up in a nice black dress shirt and pants with a red tie and dress shoes. He kisses me and leads me up the grand walk way that has small shrubs around the slate stone pathway. Getting to the huge stone steps, he helps me up and I can see the beautiful red oak door with beautiful carving of the wilderness on the door frames. The deck is a wrap around is massive. There's a few gliders and chairs on the deck and white christmas lights hung from the beams and railings.

"Ready to go in?"

"Yes." He opens the door slowly and reveals a beautiful open living room with a very high ceiling. The wooden floors are dark cherry and there's a beautiful stone crafted fire place that goes up the wall in between two big bay windows. The chandelier that hangs is a wooden carving of mountains with bears, moose and elks. The beams that lay parallel with the roof also have their own special forestry carvings. The furniture is soft besiege leather and there's a recliner built for two. Heading to the kitchen, I can barely breathe from the size of it. The granite counter tops, the massive island in the center the cushions stools, the newest appliances and the window over looking a huge pond is gorgeous. He leads me to three different bedrooms. A huge library with tall book Helga and a rolling ladder to reach the top, and it has a second level of shelfs in a balcony. Leading me down another hallway, he shows me the bathrooms that are immaculate, the game room, with stage and drop down projector, and he finally leads me to the dining room and lastly the master bedroom that is tucked away upstairs with it's own balcony over looking the living room and entry way. A master bathroom is off to the side of it with a huge jacuzzi tub and walk in shower. Lastly he shows me the walk in closet and I nearly cry at the space and full length mirror with a vanity room attached. The king sized bed is beautiful in it's buckskin duvet and crimson comforter. We he shows me the balcony just off the master suite and it over looks the whole yard and the woods.

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