Chapter 62:

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Chapter 62:

Daryl's View

Picking up Jackson from Hershel's after work, I swing by the elementary school to see Beth on her break. Pulling in, I pick up Jackson and walk through the front lobby, saying hello to the ladies as I go. Getting to Beth's door, I knock and crouch as I hold Jackson in front of the window.

"Why hello, baby!" Beth gayly sings as she opens the door and I stand up, greeting her with a kiss and handing her our son. "You got out of work early."

"I went into work early. We thought we'd swing by and see our beautiful woman." Sitting on her desk, I run a hand trough my hair and look around. "You redecorate?"

"The kids mad me posters from when I was on leave...they're sweet."

"I'd say...what do you say we have a date night."

"But it's Wednesday..."

"So? We can order in, have a nice dance, watch a movie...some after dessert."

"Daryl, if this is about trying for another baby, I'm..."

"It's not..." He says sensing her irritation.

"It's not?"

"No, it's just for us. Just to enjoy each other, like we used too." I play with her hair as Jackson waves his arms about in her lap and gurgles at us.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt...what about him?"

"We can get Maggie to take him, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"Okay...what could it hurt."

"Nothing." Kissing her head the bell dismisses the kids back to class and I grab Jackson as I go. "I'll see you tonight. Bye Mommy."

She waves at us through the window and smiles before we leave. On our way out to the truck I bounce Jackson playfully and the small boy smiles widely and his short blonde hair blows in the wind. He looks so much like his mother that I have to smile.

"Come on, Jackie. Let's go home and get you washed up and head over to aunt Maggie's." Driving home, I listen to Jack gurgle and baby babble in the backseat. I'm waiting for the day he starts talking and commenting on things. I fear what this little genius will say about me, even babies gossip.

Pulling in the driveway, Glenn is sitting in his truck playing a game as I walk up and tap on his window. He jumps a bit and then smiles at Jackson.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I thought I'd save ya a trip." Getting out of his car, we walk up and into the house. I let the dogs out and set Jackson on the living room rug.

"Thanks for this by the way. I think this will make Beth feel a bit better." Handing him a beer, he smiles with gratitude before we open them up and start nursing them.

"Yeah, Maggie told me what happened...did you want it?"

"I mean kinda. I think our time for full on romance has died a bit and we should focus on family. I know she wants more..." Grumbling the last sentence he looks strangely at me and I take another sip.

"What does that mean?"

"I mean, Beth wants more kids like three more...really I'd be fine with just two."

"Well I think you two will figure it out. Besides, you two have come a long way and I think compromising is the best and worst part of any marriage."

"Yeah...hey, thanks again man for taking Jackson. I really appreciate it." Smiling, they bro hug, before Glenn picks Jackson up, leaving Daryl to fend for himself against Beth.

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