Chapter 14:

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Chapter 14:

Beth's View

It's been a long tiring day. My head hurts, my back hurts, everything hurts. Sitting in my classroom, I wait for the kids to get done taking their tests, but my mind is else where. With Daryl.

He's at his first therapy session with a woman named Andrea Hill. I'm a little pissed that he went with a woman, but I really shouldn't be jealous. He needs this. I guess I need to say, he needs her...even though that's infuriating.

"Are we all done with our tests?"

"Yes, Ms. Greene." The class answers in unison and they slowly file up to my desk and hand them to me. As they get back in their seats and I prepare to read Peter Pan and Neverland a knock comes from my door, and in the small window, Daryl comes into view with a lobby pass.

"Can you all get yer books out and start reading to page 30. We left off with Wendy and the mermaids." Walking over to the door, I open it up and slip into the hallway. Dressed in his jeans and white, green and red flannel shirt, Daryl looks happy, with an edge of christmas to him. "Hi, honey, what are you doing here? I thought you had therapy?"

"I did. Went for an hour and then got bored. I thought I'd come see yer class and you."

"Well, they're reading Peter Pan right now... but it's almost time for recess and then lunch, so you can stay and hang out in the back if yer not gonna be a distraction." I smile and kiss his cheek quickly.

"What grade is this again?"

"1st. I think you'll be fine." I open the door and we head into my lil angels... all except Martin, who is standing on his seat with Lilly's lunch in his hand. "Martin Freeze! You get down off that chair and give Lilly her lunch back."

"Yes, Ms. Greene."

"You know better. Put yer name on the board. That's two for today. One more and you lose five minutes of recess."

Martin waddles up to the board and scribbles his name below his other scribble, then waddles back to his seat. He looks like a small Tommy Boy and Daryl just tries not to laugh, because, well that's unprofessional. Sitting in the back of the class, all eyes turn to Daryl as he sits in the rocking chair.

"Everyone, this is Mr. Dixon. He is in observing today. Can you say hi?"

"Hi, Mr. Dixon."

"Hi, everyone."

"Okay, now that we're all acquainted, what does aquatinted mean?" A lil girl with brown hair and black glasses raises her hand. "Tori?"

"To get to know someone before forming a friendship."

"Very good actually. Not the exact definition, but good enough. Okay, let's finish reading our last six pages of the chapter and then we can go to recess and them lunch."

We finish reading and the whole time, I watch Daryl sitting in the back of my room listening contently. He closes his eyes as we popcorn read. He's always done this when he listens to people read. He likes to imagine what's happening. I can't remember a time he hasn't closed his eyes when someone read to him. I smile as I watch his nose twitch as Zenaya reads the part about smelling the flowers. I know he's trying to actually smell them.

"Good job today class. Everyone get yer jackets and let's go to the playground." The kids bustle about the room, searching for their coats, kickballs, barbies, and other toys they desire to play with. I open the door and they flee down the hallway toward the outside doors. Walking across the parking lot to the play ground, Daryl leans into me and I brush my fingers across his, but don't allow him to hold my Han on account of professionalism.

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