Chapter 61:

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Chapter 61:

Daryl's View

It feels like I've been waiting for the results for ten hours. As Beth paces back and forth I bite my thumb in nervousness. She's almost a week late and has become a mess with worriment. She keeps pacing and glares at me with dagger eyes the whole time.

"I'm sorry okay! You shouldn't have cum so close to when I was ready."

"So this is my fault!" She growls and I want to stand my ground, but it's as equally my fault.

"I mean...kind of. Why didn't you tell me you were off the pill and on something else?"

"One cause we haven't been intimate for a whole and two it was none of yer concern."

"Excuse me? Yer my wife! That's like if I got a vasectomy before we started having kids!"

"I would've killed you!"

"Exactly. It's important that we communicate about these things. So if we are pregnant....what are we to do?"

"I...I don't know...." She finally sits beside me on the edge of the tub and I wrap my left arm around her shoulder.

"Well....I wouldn't mind another baby, but if you don't want...."

"Daryl, I couldn't get rid of it...not after all we've been through. I just don't want another baby right now, ya know." She has a few tears in her eyes an I wipe them away before leaving a soft kiss on her hand.

"I understand...We'll just have to wait and see I guess..." The timer goes off and she picks up her test. "What's it say?"

Sinking back against me, she sighs and starts crying before throwing the test in the wastebasket and running to our bedroom. Picking the test out of the basket, I shake my head and toss it back in. She's laying underneath the blankets and crying for most of the day.

I leave her be for most of the day and try to keep Jack quiet. I figured she'd be upset, but not this upset. During lunch I grab her some food and a cup of juice an take it up to her. Knocking on the door, I come in and set the nutrients on the night stand before sitting beside her, rubbing her hip and leaving small kisses on her jaw and shoulder.

"I brought you food...I know yer hungry."

"Thank you..." Her voice is quiet and scratchy.

"Hey, least we know."

"I know I said I didn't want to be pregnant so soon, but a part of me wanted to be."

"You mean yer upset yer not pregnant?"

"Yeah...I mean I know we can't afford another baby right now and that we need to give Jackson attention, but a part of me really wanted this baby and the other, the bigger part, didn't." Her voice is heavy and sad and it kills me.

"Honey, I thought you didn't want another baby right now..."

"I don't, but I do." Rolling to face me, I brush he hair from her face and leave a soft smile on my lips for her.

"It will happen...maybe not right away cause we do need to give Jackson the attention he need, but maybe in a few months we can have another impromptu baby session." Placing feather like kisses on her skin, she grabs my face and kisses me gently.

"I'd like that."

"Now, you need to eat and get downstairs and see her baby boy, cause he's been missing you all day."


"Yeah, baby?"

"I love you."

"I love you too Jitter Bug."

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