Chapter 44

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Chapter 44:

Daryl's View

Getting Beth inside from the cold, we lay on the downstairs couch under a thick throw blanket and she never leaves my lap. I have apologized over and over again for tonight, but she doesn't care about that. She just snuggles close and tells me things will get better. She doesn't seem angry any more, or even as upset. Maybe it's her being hopeful or maybe it's her saying we need to get over our individual pain.

"How'd you get out of the cocoon?" I randomly ask to lighten the mood.

"Same way I always get out...I fall off the bed and it hurts my bottom." She says with a giggle.

"I need ta start rolling you up on the floor then. You won't ever get out and yer bottom won't hurt you." I kiss her temple and she laughs. "Yer bottom still hurt?"

"Yeah... I think I bruised it. That's a higher fall than my old bed." She winces and I start to flip her over in my arms. "What are you doing?"

Getting her on her stomach over my legs, I pull up her night gown and pull her panties below her cheeks. She has a good sized bruise on her right cheek, but nothing major. I lean down and kiss the bruise and then the rest of her cheek and she squirms in my arms cause it apparently tickles her.

"Daryl stttt....stop!" She laughs and I gently bite down on her one cheek. "Ow! Cut it out....haha Daryl Stop! I'm gonna punch you."

"This right here looks like a nice hunk of meat." I bite down on her other cheek and she giggles and wriggles beneath my mouth. Then I spank her bottom. She sits up in amazement and looks at me. "Ooo, listen to that sound."

I spank her again and then she plays opossum. I flip her over in my arms and look at her laying there all vulnerable, thinking she's winning this game. Lifting up her gown I look at her from sex to breasts and can only find one true option.

Leaning down I blow raspberries on her stomach and make loud fart noises with my mouth against her skin. She comes alive instantly and I get her in her most ticklish areas, her sides. My hands hold her down as I continue to blow my mouth against her whole torso.

"Enough... I can't take any more...please." Finally stopping, I look down at her and I lay on the wide couch beside her, looking down into her eyes as she lays into my front. "Daryl..."

"I love you Beth."

"I know..."

"I love you." I say to her exposed stomach and kiss it tenderly.

"Please don't hurt yerself or do tonight ever again.... I couldn't bare losing you." I loom down at her with a small smile. Kissing her lips I mean it.

"I promise. I promise..." Pulling the throw over us, I click of the table lamp and we disappear in the darkness.

In the morning, Beth is flush to my chest facing me and I just look at her beautiful face burrowed into my neck. She so damn beautiful and perfect. Laying my hand between us, I rub my thumb over her small stomach and suddenly feel the baby kick. Beth jolts awake and looks at me.

"I didn't do it. I swear." I say pulling my hand from between up and keeping it in the air.

"Haha, I know it wasn't you silly." She says, tiredly putting her head back in the crook of my arm. "It was yer son."

"So it is a boy?" She never told me if she found out the sex of the baby. Looking down at her, I wanna know and she rolls onto her back and looks at me with sleepy eyes.

"Yes." She smiles and kisses my cheek. "He's already 20 weeks..."

"How's that? That's 5 months... yer 5 months pregnant?"

"I was pregnant since before I got shot..." She looks nervously away and I lay back a lil panicked.

"You could've died...."

"I didn't know I was until I actually started getting symptoms around the time we started fighting..."

"So you went to the big doctors appointment without me I take."

"Yeah...I'm sorry. You didn't want I didn't tell you about it..." She holds my cheek and I can tell she feels crummy, but she has a point.

"Did you at least get a picture "

"Yeah." She smiles and quickly runs from the couch and upstairs. I lay there confused and ten she comes back down. "Look at him Daryl....he looks just like you."

I look at the 3D image of him and she's right. Clear as day, there is our son.

"He's so...real."

"Haha, of course he's real. You just felt him."

"But...he's supposed to be tiny... Yer stomachs can't possibly be this size."

"No, he's not. They blew the picture up so we could see his face." I hand her the picture and she kisses it before putting it on the coffee table. "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" She looks worried and I hold her tighter.

"With him...with having a baby...are you okay?"

"After seeing him...yeah. I'm perfect. It's real for me now, seeing him and knowing he's there there...Im sorry of I hurt you when I said I didn't want a baby. That was really shitty of me."

"I understand it though. Daryl, you don't have to be sorry cause I know even when you say things that hurt me or you do things, I know you never really intend on hurting me...that's why I love you. Cause other men don't care, but you do." she plays with my shirt and touches my neck. "That's how I know you'll be a fantastic dad. I ain't worried."

"You ain't?"

"Nope...yer not yer parents Daryl. Yer a wonderful, caring, smart, funny, creative, hardworking man. I have no doubt you'll be a good father." She kisses me and I kiss her back and rub her stomach. The baby kicks again and she smiles at me with gleaming eyes. "He agrees too. Yer perfect, Daryl. I love you."

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