Chapter 15:

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Chapter 15:

Daryl's View

My gut wrenches and twists as I wake up early this morning to an empty bed. After yesterday, I know I've broke the camel's back of my relationship with Beth. Staring at the ceiling, nothing keeps my heart from breaking. Looking my watch, it's only 6:30. Scratching my head, I get up and grab clothes from the drawer Beth cleaned out for me. Pulling out a green and black cotton plaid shirt and a pair of my black jeans, I get dressed and slowly open the door.

Stepping out into the dimly lit living room, I find Beth sitting on the balcony in just a tank top and shorts. Grabbing the afghan blanket off the couch, I head out and wrap Beth in the blanket. Touching her skin, I have to shiver at how cold her skin in. She seems frozen in place, like she's been sitting out here all night, and she actually could have been. Picking her up, I carry her inside and back to our warm bed. Laying her down, I tuck her in and kiss her cold head as I get ready to leave. Turning to go, she grabs my hand gently.

"Where are you going?" Her voice is soft and almost barely audible.

"I was jus' gonna go do some dishes before I make breakfast."

"It's early..." She yawns and snuggles my hand, forcing me to sit next to her on the bed. Taking my other hand I brush her cold hair out of her face.

"Why were you on the balcony in the cold? Are you trying to get sick?"

"No, I was really hot in the middle of the night... so I went out and kinda fell asleep."

"Dumby." Leaning forward I kiss her lips and she holds onto my face, prolonging our kiss. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I really do love you more than anything and anyone else."

She pushes a finger to my lips and I understand.

"I know. I thought all night...ahh-bout it."

"Get some sleep, Jitter Bug."

"Mmkay...." Before she can really finish her sentence, she falls asleep and I leave her to it. Heading to the kitchen I pick up her clothes that she had been stripping from her body last night. Pulling her jacket off the floor a napkin falls from it.

"In case yer asshole boyfriend hurts you even more.

Gareth Andrews."

Crinkling the napkin in my hand, I can't believe she got a guys number last night cause I made a mistake. Anger courses through me. This is ridiculous. This is what I get for being stupid. Taking the napkin, I put it on the counter and roll my sleeves up to do the dishes.

After scrubbing and scrubbing- I finally have all the dishes done and starts making coffee. Angrily making food, I grumble to myself about Gareth and stop when I turn to get the popped toast and Beth is standing at the counter with the crinkles napkin. Turning off the burner on the stove and setting the pan with the eggs in it on the cold burner, I can't hide my anger.

"Go ahead say it." She sits at the table after throwing the napkin at the center of it.

"There's nothing to say." I turn back to the toast an start buttering it.

"I think that's a lie." Her voice cracks and I turn to look back at her.

"Yer right it is. I hate that you got drunk last night. I hate that you have that guy's number. But I deserve to feel hurt and angry. Because I fucked up. I fucked up Beth and because of that I can't tell where we're ending up. Where are we Beth? Where are we going? I have no fucking clue cause I'm constantly fucking this shit up." I drop the toast to the counter and I sink to the floor with my backs to the cupboards. I bang my elbow into the counter side and just grab tuffs of my hair and yank forward. I'm slipping back into a terrible self. When I was younger and my mom and dad would right or yell or come after me, I used to sit in my treehouse Beth and I made and I would yank my hair sore. Beth usually consoled me and held me close as I grew more frustrated. Now, I just gasp for breath and tug my hair as hard as I can.

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