Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

Beth's View

I'm dressed in my lacy black dress and red high heels- all ready for my Daddy's New Years Party. Rick has moved out like he promised, but I still see him in the building on account he and Michone hit it off really well. I invited Michone and him to my Daddy's party, cause we're such good friends now. As I grab my keys I look in the mirror and ask myself, "Why do you bother looking so pretty, when you have no one to look good for."

Heading out the door I get in the elevator to head to my truck. When I'm out in the breezy winter air, I find my truck and brush off the little snow that actually fell this year. We never usually get any, but the last few years we got a few inches, which I find beautiful. As I drive to my Dad's place in Senonia, I drift back to him. There hasn't been word on those two guys in Syria since the first report. Did they make it out? Are they alive? What are their family and friends feeling?

Getting to my Dad's house, I find the driveway packed with cars. This one time a year make me feel like the riches person ever, like I know everyone. Walking into the house, I'm instantly greeted by friends and family. For once, I'm not crying and dreading life. As I make it to the living room, soft classical music is playing and some guests are dancing. Finding my Mama and the rest of the family, I hug them tight and suddenly their smiles grow wide and they stand straight up. I'm confused in their manor and look at each of them. They're not looking at me though, they're looking behind me. Suddenly a gentle hand is cupping my elbow and when I turn to see who it is and why the house went silent, I nearly fall over.

"Oh my god. Daryl!" Tears stream down my face and he pulls me instantly into his arms. I bury my face into his shoulder and we gently rock back and forth and he shhhhs me. Everyone starts clapping and soon Mama's takin pictures again. I look up at him with a pained face and he seems unsure himself. Then much like we used too, he grabs one wide of my waist and my other hand and I out a hand on his shoulder and we dance for what seems like hours. Only stopping when someone comes up to us to say either goodbye or welcome back. I never stop looking at him though. I never take my eyes off of him, because if I do, he might disappear.

"Beth, you look gorgeous tonight. You've really grown up." Right when I think he's being serious, he re-opens his mouth. "Used to wear those bright neon dresses and your hear in disarray. Glad you matured a bit."

Anger rises in me. I have no control over my emotions.

"Screw you Dixon." Smacking his chest, I shove him away from me and burst out of the house and down to the horse barn where I parked my truck. Behind me, I here him bursting through the screen door, the thought of him running in that suit makes me laugh slightly, but I'm still very upset, but I don't know necessarily why. When I grab the handle of my truck to open it up, he slams the door on me, breathing heavily and looking distraught. "Get off my truck!"

"What's the matter with you? I was joking. Why are you mad at me?" Pulling his jacket off he tries to give it to me, but I push it away. "Beth. What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? I thought you were dead! I thought I'd never see you again. And one of the first things you say to me is that I matured. Well fuck you Dixon! I had too. Without you!" The cold starts to get to me. Crossing my arms, I turn away from him so he doesn't see my tears. I know his eyes are still on me. I know they are.

"Beth, what did you want me to do? I...huh, you know what? Forget it. I don't need this shit." I hear the snow crunch beneath his black dress shoes. Turning around I see him leaving and I break down. I cry harder.

"Daryl.... please....." I feel like that child who's left at preschool for the first time. My voice is shaky and tears stain my cold pink cheeks. He stops and turns around slowly. I sniffle and shake as he stands there, jacket in hand and tears on his face as well.

"What?" He starts walking back over to me and I lose it. When he gets to me, I throw myself into his chest and can't even begin to breath.

"Don't leave. Please...please...please don't leave. I can't stand watching you walk away. Please don't be mad. I'm sorry. So, sorr..sorr..sorry." I stutter from the cold and he places his jacket on my shoulders.

"I'm not leavin' ya Jitter Bug. Never again." He kisses the top if my head and we just stand there for a few minutes, embracing each other. "Let's go inside 'fore ya freeze ta death."

We head inside and it's like we've never left. No one notices and not one person turns to see who's come inside. Making it to the parlor, the ball is beginning to drop and we shout the count down.

"5-4-3-2-1. Happy New Year!" As I yell it, Daryl kisses me on this lips. At first I'm in shock, but soon my eyes slowly close and I take in the moment, which didn't last long. When I open them, he's smiling wide and I can feel my heart skip a beat. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." He smiles down at me and we just drift into our own mind space. After the party is over, we help clean up and take care of the house. Walking out to my truck, Daryl's close behind me. I start my truck up and he's beside my drivers window. "Headin' home now?"

"Yeah...what about you?"

"Yer Dad offered me to sleep in yer room tonight..."

"Why don't you stay at my apartment...its a lot nicer than my old room. And you can see the city." He scratches his head and contemplates what this means.

"Alright. Pull up to the house, I'll get my bag." Smiling, he races back up the hill and nearly slips. I have to laugh at this view. He's back. He's back and he's mine again.

When he gets in the truck, he sets his stuff in between the seat and the back if the truck. Closing the door he buckles up and gives me a shy smile. Driving off, we head back into the city. We get to my apartment around 3:30 in the morning. The elevator is running slow, but we don't care. When we get to my apartment, he makes me stop before opening the door.

"Let me guess.You have a tan carpet, Pumpkin Spice walls, and yer pink and purple blanket on the couch."

"Haha, yer such a dork." Opening the door, I surprise him with my choice of interior. I can tell he likes it though. The red makes him smile.

"Went with my favorite color did we? Well, well, well. Ms. Greene, you are a curious one." He steps closer to me as we take our jackets off and set them on one of my arm chairs. He keeps stepping towards me with sly predatory eyes. Backing me into my bedroom door, I can feel his stomach gulch with mine. "This yer bedroom?"

"Ye...yes." My breath is shallow and shaky and my nerves are on edge that I feel one touch from him and I'll crumble.

"Shall we?" He looks me deep in the eyes and my breath catches in my throat.

"Wh...what are we gonna do?" I boldly, but shyly ask. He raises an eyebrow to me and brushes a small strand if hair out of my face as he whispers in my ear.

"We're gonna wrestle, my dear." I feel my stomach flip as he slowly opens the door and back me in, shutting the door behind him.

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