Chapter 65:

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Chapter 65:

Beth's View

"Hello, you must be Beth...and this handsome little man must be Jackson!"

"Uhm...." I look back to the driveway and know that I'm at the right place, but words escape me and I feel my chest restrict. "Yes...and you are?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Espon Reynolds." Sticking her hand out to me, I shake it hesitantly as I feel my heart jump into my throat. "Daryl just in town getting lunch...would you like to come in?"

"Sure..." Walking in, everything looks the same, but I just feel like I walked into a multi-universe. "Yer Daryl's...."

"Oh...yes...I'm sorry, Beth."

"When did you two start..." I can't say it.

"Dating? Uhmmm, five months now...wait no, that's not right. It's only four...yeah we met when Lee and Joe hired me as blue print manager for the construction crew." It took him four month to get over me? Yes, she's young and very beautiful...but four months? Well, shit, this sucks. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes you live with him?"

"Yes...but please know it was only because I graduated from college and was looking for a job, when I came across Joe's business. Finding a job for blue printing isn't exactly like finding sand at a beach. So I thought from working at a diner, I'd get paid enough to rent an apartment, but I didn't. When I got the job with Joe, Daryl was nice enough to put me up for a while and well...we kinda just connected. I'm sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize, really. Um, so you have been here when he has Jackson?"

"Not really. On the weekends I usually go home to make sure my father's okay. He has terminal cancer and he's only available to be visited on the weekends, so I'm usually in Atlanta."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It sucks, but He ensures me all the time that I shouldn't be sad or worry for him...Of course I do, but I try staying strong."

"What about yer mother and family?"

"My mother passed away when I was five and I have no siblings or cousins. My parents were the only children in their families. When my dad passes...I guess I'll be the last of the Reynolds." It's hard not to feel sorry for her. Moments ago, I kind of wanted to kick her ass, but now I just want to give her a hug. When she starts getting teary eyed, I set Jackson down and go to her, hugging her sweetly. "I'm sorry...."

"No, it's okay. I dot blame you...Its okay." Pulling back I look at her and smile. "When you care about people, hurt is part of the package....but he's going to be in a better place."

"I know...its just hard."

"Life always is. If it wasn't, what would we be living for?" Smiling at me, her blue eyes are captivating and starting to hypnotize me a bit.

"Oh, yer coffee...haha, here. Would you like cream and sugar?"

"Yes please." She hands me the things I asked for and I fix my coffee. Jackson is at her side and she smiles down at him.

"May I?" She curiously and cautiously asks.

"Oh, sure. I guess you two need to get aquatinted." Pain. Pain in my chest. My heart, but if this woman is as nice as she's coming off to be, I guess Jackson will be in good hands. Picking him up, she sways gently back and forth as he seems to investigate her hair and face. "Jackson, that's Espon...she lives with daddy."

"Hello, cutie. He is so sweet." Smiling at him, it's hard not to smile at how sweet they look.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how old are you?"

"I am 25, turning 26 in two weeks. Yer in education, right?"

"Yes, first grade. They are definitely interesting children." Sitting down, I stir my coffee and then set the spoon on the tea plate. Espon smiles and plays with Jackson's hand while the other of his is in holding on behind her neck.

"Is it really hard teaching everyday?"

"It can be...but you kinda just go with the flow. What do you do with blue printing?"

"I design the houses and order materials. I like very detail oriented work. Granted I work alone most of the day, but it's great seeing what I create getting built and lived in. In a way, I'm always connected to every family that lives there."

"I never thought of it that way."

The front door opens and Moose comes barreling inside and starts barking at me as Koda growls.

"Moose. Koda. Enough...." He freezes when he finds me and Espon conversing over coffee. "Oh, yer early."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"It's okay though. Beth and I were just getting acquainted." Espon smiles and Daryl just nods with a small sour smile on his lips.

"Jackson! Hey buddy." He kisses Jackson's cheek an Espon hands him over.

"I guess I should go..." I stand and Espon frowns.

"Oh please stay and finish yer coffee. I enjoy talking to another woman. I'm the only one at work and I don't really know any others." I look from Daryl to Espon and I can't figure out what I should do.


"I'm going to go work on the basement two can finish talking and whatever. Daryl says before leaving a small kiss on Espon's cheek, which lights a fire in my belly. Disappearing in the basement, Espon smiles at me and sits on the stool across from me.

"So you used to live in Atlanta?"

"Yep, I was thinking of moving back, but them that'd be a longer drive to bring Jackson out." Swallowing my anger, I know I'm not mad at her, but Daryl.


"I'm sorry this is awkward."

"I suppose it's really my fault. It's never easy seeing someone you use to love with someone else...I know it doesn't mean much, but I stay in the spare bedroom down here and we've never..."

"I don't need to know this. Daryl's a big boy and I'm not concerned." I say with my palms facing her, showing I'm not interested.

"I'm sorry....might I say that you are very beautiful. I can see why he loved you."

"Well back at you."

After a few more minutes of talking, I finally stand up and say goodbye to Espon and Jackson before leaving. Going to my truck, I find Daryl watching me from the side yard. We stare at each other for a few minutes before I pull away.

Author's Note

Dear Bethylers,

Just have to say, I had to add Dakota Johnson as the new woman because she's so beautiful. Again, I'm sorry for how this is headed away from our canon, but fear not, I have a plan.


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