Chapter 25: Time

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Chapter 25: Time

Daryl's View

We haven't stopped having sex since we got the news. Every time we stop, we both feel like our lungs are collapsing and that we can't go on, but then the thought of me leaving comes back to our minds and we're back at it.

Finally I pull away from her can can't take the burning in my lungs. I can't feel my breath or anything connected to my body. Slowly standing up, I shuffle to the bathroom and grab my glass to fill with water. The crisp cool liquid rolling down my esophagus feels like heaven. Looking back at her, she's laying on her side staring at me.

Going back to the bed, I pick her up and carry her to the bathtub. Turning on the warm water and the jets, I sit behind her and hold her in my lap. The water slowly fills and I add bubbles to it. When the tub gets filled, I brush the bubble over her breasts and the rest of her body. I can feel her weight just still in the water against my body.

She plays with the bubbles before turning in my lap sideways and kissing her name on my chest. Holding her tightly I try and memorize how she feels and everything about her. I kiss her shoulders and neck. She arches her back and then lays her head against my chest.


"Yeah Baby?" I kiss her temple.

"You promise you'll keep in touch?"

"I'll read every letter and write back immediately."

"And you promise you won't fall for those middle eastern babes who will give you a harem." I chuckle and kiss her nose.

"I will resist every woman who isn't you...except if I find Betty White. Then I just have to have a taste of that Golden Girl." She crinkles her nose and then nods.

"Alright, I'm okay with that."

"Baby, you really don't have to be worried..."

"Daryl, I'm always gonna worry. I love you more than anything else."

"I know. Baby, what can I do to make you worry less?"

"Let me go instead of than you..."

"Haha, if I could, I might...probably not though. Then I would worry too much." I play with her hands on her breasts and I stomach. She presses against me and closes her eyes.

"I wish we had more time. Why do you have to ship out tonight?"

"Cause I got to be there bright and early. I really should've left this morning, but I wanted more time with you, my beautiful Wife."

"I am aren't I? I'm officially Dixon."

"Yes...and I think that's what I love most of all. My names on you forever! I claimed you as mine." I bite her neck and she moans.

"What time are you leaving?"

"I have to leave in...." I look at the clock on the wall and and then kiss her. "About 15 minutes...which means I got get dressed so we can get going."

"Hmm, time is way too short when it's for a a good thing and way to long for the good."

"Tell it to Father Time. Haha, come in Jitter Bug." Lifting her from the tub, I drain it and towel her off as she does me. These are the moments I'll miss. Anything raw and perfectly her.

She drives me to the airport and at the terminal, she doesn't let go of me. I kiss her several times until they make a final call.

"Take this!" I say running back to her.

"Yer wedding band? Daryl..."

"Beth, I don't want to lose it and I'll want it back as soon as possible so that will give me motivation to get me home quicker." I kiss her one last time before leaving her in the terminal. Sitting on the plane, I watch her sitting on the hood of the truck and she waves and blows a kiss. I blow a kiss back and then face forward.

My hair is is two inches on the top and buzzed on the side. I am not a civilian any more. I'm a Naval Officer-eager to return to my beautiful bride and the home I love.

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