Chapter 55:

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Chapter 55:

Beth's View

I cried myself to sleep last night and this morning I threw up cause I was overly upset. How could he just cheat on me? My best friend. After all we've been through, he just goes off when I needed him and cheats. If I wouldn't have got pregnant with Jackson, would he have left me? He says he doesn't love her, but I sense that's a big lie. I asked Maggie to pick Jackson and I up today an take me to Dad and Mom's. I didn't even tell Daryl where I was going or not to pick me up.

Pain crushes me as Maggie pulls into Dad's long driveway and parks the car.

"You okay Jitter Bug?"

"Yeah...Just wanted to see Mama and Daddy." I lie and get out of the car. Going to the back I get Jackson out of the back seat and head inside. When I get in there, I sit on the couch and rock my baby boy, trying not to think of Daryl at all. "How's my baby boy? Mommy loves you so much."

"Bethy, how'd you get here?"


"Why didn't Daryl get cha?" My Dad seems a but taken by this and I shake it of the best I can.


"Too busy to pick you up?"

"Too busy with his girlfriend." I mumble, but it's pretty loud and Mama, who just walked in, and Daddy look at me confused.

"What do you mean girlfriend?

"I mean, he's been cheating on my for the passed year and I don't wanna deal with it right now. Okay? I just wanna sit here with my son and enjoy the day God's given us." I'm short with them and they look at each other. Daddy seems upset and mama confused. Coming over to me, Mama, looks at Jackson with a smile.

"He looks like you when you were a baby."


"Honey...yer sure?"

"Yes. I already discussed pretty much all of it with him. Mama, I just don't understand...why would he do that? I know the last two years were rough for everyone, but...but why would he do that?"

"Baby girl, guys do stupid things. Take yer father for example. After his first wife passed and I was taking care of Maggie and Shawn he was so hurt that he took it out by drinking...ended up sleeping with Patricia."

"What about you and Otis?"

"We were upset more than anything...we fought, cried, yelled... it damned if I didn't love yer daddy enough to stick around. Honey, I'm not saying run back to Daryl, especially if he ha this girl for a while, but take into consideration that he took his hurting out in a different way than you. Doesn't make it right, but only The Lord and truly forgive and curse the sinners."

"What do I do?"

"Stay away...let him stew in his pigsty for a while. He'll come crawling back more than once, but you gotta stay strong baby girl. And when you had enough of lessons, talk things over, see what is right for y'all. What's right for him" She nods down to Jackson and then gets up, kissing my head as she goes.

Around an hour later, my phone keeps going off continuously-it's Daryl. I never pick up, but listen to the thousand of worried voicemails he leaves me. It's cruel, but he deserves nothing less at this point. As I put Jackson down in the guest bed in a pillow fort, I lay next to him and brush my fingers over his cheek.

"Beth, you know yer phones going crazy out here right?" Shawn says as he passes the open door. He obviously doesn't know or he would have killed Daryl by now and the ringing would have stopped.

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