Chapter 47:

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Chapter 47:

Beth's View

Slowly opening my eyes, the world around me is bright and my body aches. It's not quiet like it was in the darkness. No. It's quite loud, with beeping and the sound of the air machine, pumping oxygen in my lungs. When my eyes finally adjust, the view is a little blurry at first, but I vaguely see him at the window. His angel wings prominently exposed by the light coming through the blinds. As he starts to turn around, I see that small smile playing across his lips and it's hard to tell, but he's holding something. Something small. He starts to approach and when he does I can clearly see him holding a blue and white striped blanket in his arms as he seems to sway back and forth. I rub my eyes and he presses the nurse button. Within seconds a nurse appears and starts talking to me, but I can't make out what she's saying, let alone properly see. I feel her taking the tube from my throat and then handing me water. Once I drink, that's when everything comes back to me. Sound bursts through my ears and amplifies in my ears. I watch the nurse go and I slowly turn to look back at Daryl.

His eyes are glistening and he has a walking boot on his leg and a small wrist cast on his arm. Then what was a blur becomes clear and the blue and white striped ball in his hands, begins to have a face as he leans down and kisses mine.

"Good to see you finally decided to grace us with yer presence." He chuckles and I shake my head. This must be a dream. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold them like that for a few seconds. "Are the lights bothering you? Cause I can shut the blinds and dim the lights even more, Jitter Bug."

Opening my eyes I refocus them about the room. Clear as crystal. Turning back to Daryl, I see the blanket again and shake my head.

"What's going on?" My voice is scratchy and my head starts to spin as I sit up and immediately lay back down as a pain shoots through my body. "Ow..."

"Hey...hey now. You need to rest. Okay." His hand rests on my arm and I stare at it.

"This isn't real..." I close my eyes again and shake my head, just trying to wake myself up.

"Beth? Sweetie, you need to just take a deep breath okay? You wanna meet someone? He's been patiently waiting to meet you." His voice goes to some weird baby babble and I open my eyes back to him. Standing up with the ball, he bends over and plops it in my ams gently, forcing me to hold the unknown thing. But when I look down, I soon realize that the ball of cloth, isn't just a ball of cloth, but a very tiny little baby, wearing a blue hat and hiding half his face. "Meet yer son, Bethy."

I start to cry and I begin to feel nauseous. He sees it and immediately takes the baby and hands me a puke bucket, which I use for a good few minutes. When I'm done, I lay back and set the bucket on the bedside table and cover my face.


"I'm fine." I put a hand up to him, showing him my palm, and i lay on my side, putting my back to him. "I just wanna wake up."

" are awake." He says plainly, confused and most likely hurt.

"No. I'm dreaming, because he shouldn't be here, if I'm awake." I growl and pull the blanket up my side and over my shoulder. It hurts to say, but it's true. "Just go."

He sighs before getting up and slowly exiting the room. I'm right ain't I ? It this was real life, there is not way, at 5 months my baby would've survived and looked so perfect. It's not possible. Is it?

Daryl's View

Sitting in the NICU with the baby, I sigh as I kiss him and lay him back in the plastic crib unit. Beth's lost her mind. It's obvious that she's suffered some sort of brain injury from the accident. She's been in a coma for two months, going on three. Yeah, I was a little skeptic at first when I woke up and found out that they performed a c-section on Beth to save our son. I was even more skeptic when they told me he was alive, healthy, and showing no signs of trauma also. This is one even in my entire life that has proven to me that God exists and now Beth is off her rocker. What more, our poor son doesn't even have a name. Hasn't had one for two months. I've been calling him Buddy and Asskicker cause I can't stand calling him nothing.

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