Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

The day was sadly here. The day he leaves me for deployment. Sitting on the front porch in my pink sweater and blue jeans, I wait for him to pull up in Daddy's truck so we can take him to the air port. Anxiety has taken over me the past three days. How could he do this? Leave with such short notice, it was rude. What if he leaves and never comes back? How was I to live without my best friend?

Pulling in, I hesitate to stand up. Was I really just gonna let him leave? Can't I fight for him? Sure I made the mistake of telling him how I felt, but I was justified. As Daddy parks, Maggie, Shawn, and Mama come out if the house and run across the lawn. Daryl hugs them all and notices quickly that I'm still sitting on the porch. If I don't get up, will that keep him here longer? If I don't hug him goodbye, will he stay? Looking at him from across the yard he looks handsome in his uniform. Gold buttons down the front, badges on his chest, he doesn't look like my Daryl. He looks like some Hero, I never knew. But he is a hero. He's my hero, that I have to say goodbye too. When Mama let's go of him they all turn and look at me. All he does is open his arms wide and I sprint across the yard and latch onto his waist as tight as I can.

"Do you have to go?" I shove my face into his shoulder and he just holds me close, slowly swaying from side to side.

"Yes.... and no, you can't come with me." He laughs, but I don't. It's not funny, losing him. To know he might not come back. I hate the thought of it.

"Can I write you?" I step back and look at him. I expect him to say no. Daryl's never been one for communicating unless it's in person. Sometimes when he has to tell me even something so simple, instead of calling or texting like a normal person, he'll walk to my house. And if I'm not there when he is, he waits just to tell me.

"Of course. And they said I'm allowed to use Skype from time to time, so get an account, ya bum." So demanding and aggressive today, maybe this is his way of not getting upset, then again Daryl never cries- when his Ma died, he was sad, but never she'd a tear. I did that for him, just like I'm doing now.

"I have one thank you!" I snap, but we both just laugh at this.

"Okay you two, we need ya get a picture. Daddy needs to take him to the airport." We stand next to each other in front of the house, just like we'd done when he was in football. After everyone gets a picture, he gets ready to go and I run up to him.

"Can I come and drop you off at the air port?" Looking down at me, he frowns.

"No. I don't wanna say goodbye again. I... I don't want you to go." He says firmly and gets in the truck. As they pull away, I fall to the dirt driveway and cry. How was he gonna leave without a real goodbye? To leave without me being the last thing he sees? Standing up, I go to my room and lay on the bed. Crying into my pillow, it smells like him- woods and must. It's not fair of him to leave me like this. To treat me like I'm just some body who sorta knows. I'm his best friend and he just left me like that!

............Daryl's View.............

Reaching the airport, Hershel helps me with my things. Clapping me on the back, he looks me deep in the eyes. His green eye have always been full of wisdom and truth, even when I was younger and he yelled at me for horsing around with Beth. Beth. Leaving her like that sucked and hurt worse than anything I've ever experienced. Such an ass I was, but it was for the best, I think. It helps us both detach from each other, or else I would've never left.

"Daryl, son, I wish you the best over there."

"Thanks sir."

"Daryl, it was a good thing ya did. Leavin' Beth at home. Don't think she'd of removed herself if she was here." He smiles and I frown. He's right, but I hate it.

"Just come back to us okay? We'd sure as Hell miss ya if ya weren't here. We love ya Daryl." I see a glisten in his eyes. He is like my father. He's always been there for me, way more than my own father. My dad never cared, he and I have always had a rocky relationship... but I don't talk about it, only with Beth. Hershel gives me a hug and I hide a tear in my hand before he can see it.

"Thank you Hershel... for everything.... can you promise me something?" He gives me a concerned look. "Promise me, Beth moves on from this. I want her to be happy and live her life... if that makes sense."

"I think I understand what you mean. I'll do my best, son. Ya better get going. Yer flights gonna leave without you." We hug one last time and I head toward my terminal. As I sit in the plan, I can only think about what Beth said three days ago. She liked me for a long time. Was I stupid to not say it back? I felt it, but I didn't want to leave her and possibly have her find someone before I get back. It's unfair for me to want her to hold her back from living, just cause I'm gone. I want her to find happiness and love, even if it isn't with me.

Dear god, please don't let her love me. Please let her move on.

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