Chapter 75: Beginning of the End

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Chapter75: Beginning of the End

Third Person

They flip flopped lives, the Dixon's and the Kess's. John and Espen soon got married after re-finding each other trough Beth and Daryl. Espen ended up getting pregnant with twin girl's, Beth and Katie, who she asked Beth tone the godmother of and Daryl the godfather. On their attempt to have another child three years later, Espen and John ha a miscarriage while at one of Daryl's parties. It changed them, but through counseling and therapy, they regained their happiness-never trying again after that.

Beth and Daryl continued to live in their big cabin, with Jackson and the dogs. Beth soon got pregnant with another little boy they called River Issac and he turned out to look just like Daryl. Daryl left Joe's construction job to start helping Hershel on the farm after he hurt his back falling from a ladder- it almost paralyzed him. Moose and Koda were neutered and keeping the kids in line, but on December 3rd when Jackson was playing outside, his ball went in the middle of the road. When Moose when to go get it or the boy, a truck couldn't stop cause of the road condition an sadly took the dogs life. After that Koda got depressed, until Hershel rescued a frisky Saint Bernard name Tugs. The two had been friends since then.

Though they all were happy, Beth still had nightmare about Joel. It took her years to get enough courage to go see medium. The medium said that Joel loves them all and misses them. That he is watching over his family and praying they are healthy. She broke down in tears outside the office.

"We all start in the same position, like a nascar race. We all are able to learn, move, and think in our own way. Te power of taking another path than thine brother, is finding a way to be someone new.

We are all capable of being loved and cherished, feared, and desired. There is no difference between skin, religion, or background- there's only a difference in how you travel on your own journey." ~Joel Dixon

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