Chapter 27:

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Chapter 27:

Beth's View

Sitting in Michone's apartment, I watch Andre walk around in circles as Carl plays with him. The teenage boy is beyond brotherly to the small boy. As my mind wanders, Michone walks through the door with Judith and looks at me.

"Long day?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Very long. How's everything?" She sets her purse on the counter and hands me the baby girl.

"Kids are perfectly playing. Hi cutie Judy!"

"She's been fussy all day, but of course I give her to you and she's a perfect angel." Michone laughs and sits in the arm chair across from me. "So when you and Daryl poppin' one out?"

"Daryl doesn't want kids..." Sitting up she gives me a confused look.

"What do you mean, doesn't want kids?"

"Exactly how it sounds. He's never like 'em. Pretty much cringes at any baby or child he sees. Not to mention he's always told me that he'd never have kids an that wasn't all that long ago." I shrug my shoulders and play with the child in my lap.

"What do you want?"

"Me? It doesn't matter why I want."

"Doesn't matter? Beth, yer in this relationship too. Despite how he feels, you should be able to voice yer opinion."

"He knows what I want...thats not changing his mind and well...I'm okay with that. Ya know, I see kids every week...some of them are definitely birth control."

"But you have a gift. All babies love you. Children love need to have a baby, Beth. You need to tell him you want a baby and you need to do that right away." Michone picks up Andre and Carl sits beside me.

"Michone, I don't want to sound like a broken record here, but if Daryl doesn't want kids, I'm not gonna push 'im." I play with Judith's hands and try to imagine having my own baby.

"Okay...I guess yer right."

"How's you and Rick?"

"Good. He's on assignment in California." She looks down and then back up. "He asked me to marry him."

"Oh my god! Why didn't you say that sooner! That's so amazing!"

"I said yes...I obviously want you to be my bridesmaid and Rick asked if you ask Daryl to be his bedmate man."

"Of course! I'll ask him, but with him over seas, I don't really know if he'd make it back in time." It hurts knowing there's no set date when he'll come come. No set time and nothing for sure.

"Well, I hope he can...and hey, when we honey moon, if you wanna test him out with kids, yer more than welcome to have the kids for that time. He might surprise you."

"Huh, I don't know, but we'll see."

After a few hours of conversing and dinner, I head home and grab the mail. Going in, I out my keys on the hook and sit on the couch with Moose, who takes up two whole cushions. Laying his head on my lap, I go through the mail, mostly junk, until I find Daryl's letter. I tear into it.

We made it to the coast. I can't tell you where, but I think we both know. I love you more than anything and will be home as soon as I can. You mean the world to me and I wish I was right beside you and Moose. Holding you close, kissing you sweetly, and scratching yer head (that's what I wanna do with Moose...haha).

Honey, I won't be able to write you for at least a week. I'll be busy, but know I'm always thinking of you Beth. I love you always.
Love, Me."

I scratch Moose's head and a small tear falls from my eye. I want to fast forward to him being here. I want to hold him and have him make fun of something dumb I say or do. It's already been four months, but it feels like four years.

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