Chapter 66:

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Chapter 66:

Daryl's View

After watching Beth leave, which still stings like the first time, I walk inside to Espon feeding Jackson some applesauce. She's so beautiful and motherly that I can't contain my smile. Her brown bangs are just above her eyes and her curves are well shown in her blue tee shirt and tight skinney jeans. As I go to her, she smiles and catches my eyes with her deep pools that I have seen before...only they were Beth's.

"He bein' fussy?" I kiss her forehead and she smiles widely.

"Nope, in fact he's such a good little angel. Not to mention the most handsome." She happily bends forward and kisses his forehad before standing back up and wrapping her arms around my neck. Kissing her lips, she closes her eyes and kisses back, but then opens them and pulls away.

"She's wonderful by the way." I look at her crossly and she continues. "I'm sorry if it was awkward coming home to her in your kitchen, but she's just so nice."

"I kind of expected it to happen." Giving me a sideways look, I clarify. "I didnt' expect her to just hand Jackson over and leave is what I mean. As for her being nice, that's just her. She's always so approachable and friendly, I always think she could get a tree talking to her if she tried hard enough."

"Yer an idiot." She says sternly and pulls away a bit.

"Excuse me?" I ask as she lifts Jackson out of his high chair and takes him to the living room. Sitting on the couch I look at her.

"Yer an idiot, Daryl. Beth is the nicest and most caring person I ever met and you let her go? What's wrong with you?"

"It's complicated."

"No it's really not. You both obviously are meant for each other, but neither one of you can say anything?"

"Listen, what happened with Beth and I won't ever be fixed."

"What happened?"

"We lost a baby...she got depressed and I...cheated..."

"Cheated. You really are dumb."

"I KNOW OKAY! I MESSED UP AND I CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO FIX IT!" She sits back and Jackson cries from being scared. Stepping forward she pulls back.

"Don' obviously have some anger issues that you need to deal with. Maybe if you handle that, Beth will be able to forgive your stupidity. I love you Daryl...but yer not in love with me and I wouldn't want you to be after meeting her." My heart slows down and she lets her smile drop. "I couldn't be with someone who had there soulmate and let them go. I can't replace her in anyway and I don't want to try. She's too wonderful for that...and you need to get that woman back before you lose her for good to someone else."

Standing up, she gives me a kiss on the cheek before taking Jackson so the nursary and then going to her own bedroom. She's right. I know she is and that's what's terrible.


Beth's View

Going to pick up take out, I wait in the truck until it's ready. I can't stop thinking about Espon. She was so forward with me and nice. Usually women in her position would have a bit of hostility or punch to 'em, but this woman was beyond gentle and nice.

Finally I head in for my food and as I come out, I get mugged.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Throwing my food on the ground I race after the asshole who stole my person. I did track in high school, but that's exactly it, high school. So long ago. Rushing past everyone, I keep up with the guy, but can never get close enough. As I round the corner, I see someone grab him and slam him up against the wall. Grabbing the person from the thug, he drops the man and I race to him, but trip over my shoe lace and face plant.

"Are you alright?" A deep voice asks as a gentle, but firm hand helps me up.

"Yes..." As I see how gorgeous he is, my mind turns to puddy and my heart races.

"Is this your purse?"

"Yes...thank you." Handing it to me, he smiles widely, showing straiahgt sparkling white teeth and then I notice his smokey grey eyes and copper hair that is slightly curly. His face is covered with a slight stubble and his hand is still on mine.

"I'm Jonathan Kess."


Letting go of my hand, he looks me over and I can't stop my head from spinning.

"Well, Ms. Greene, you should probably be escorted back to where you came from. The sun is setting and as you know, bad people come out at night." He smiles grimly at me and I try to keep my hands to myself. "May I walk you?"

"Yes..." Taking a step, I realize that when I tripped, I in fact twisted my ankel. "Ow..."

"Hurt your ankle?"


"May I?" He asks gently and I say nothing. Getting down on one knee, he probes my leg and then looks up at me." Second degree sprain, but I won't know for sure until I get an x-ray."

I blankly stare at him and he stands back up.

"I'm a doctor. Come, come." He sweetly says as he lifts me off my feet and carries me bridle style back towards my truck. " Where shall I take you?"

"My truck's just up ahead...along with my spilt food." Frowning, my stomach growls and he smiles at me.

"Then I must take you get your foot checked out and then dinner."

"Oh you don't have to do that. You've done quite enough for me."

"A gentleman helps in anyway and doesn't stop until his job is finished."

"Then technically a gentleman's job is never done..." I say thinking on my feet. Setting my by my passanger door, he looks down at me with a big grin.


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