Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

Beth's View

Sitting in my living room grading papers, Daryl has been sleeping since I left for work today. I can't really blame him cause he's been up all night doing God knows what on my balcony outside. Sometimes he does that, distance himself from me for long periods of time. Part of me feels he's still unsure about his feelings, but another part assumes he's just dealing with what happened over there. Other than that one day, he hasn't brought it up since then or shared his feelings about it. Sure, he needs to cope and let it go, but holding it in isn't healthy. As I get through my second stack of English work, a small kiss is placed on my shoulder, just where my shirt collar exposes my skin.

"Well good afternoon, sleepy." I look up into his blue eyes and he smiles. Setting the papers down I push my hands up to grab at his face and he lowers to me. Passion flows through my lips as I kiss him upside down, which is very awkward, but kinda fun.

"Sorry, Beth. Didn't mean to sleep in so long." He groggily says as he plays with my long curls of blonde hair.

"It's okay. Brought home food. There's fresh strawberries in the fridge cause I know they're your favorite."

"You didn't have to get me those."

"Daryl, I know you don't expect me to do these sorta things, but I don't think of it as a chore. I think of it as a grand gesture of how you make me feel." Coming back over he leans against the fireplace that is roaring hot and eats a strawberry.

"Then I need to get you something."

"No you don't." I pile up my papers and start putting them in my school bag. Coming over he sits next to me and places a hand on mine.

"Beth, of course I'm gonna do this kinda stuff for you. I love you just as much as you do... I want to show you."

"You can show me now." I say with a seductive tone in my voice.

"How?" He raises an eyebrow and a wicked smiles crosses his face.

"Feed me a strawberry...cause my hands hurt from grading." Trying to pout, I put a huge frown on my face. Leaning closer he holds a strawberry to my lips and I take a bite. Eating the rest of the berets we pick them off until there aren't any more. Looking at his big blue eyes, he leans even closer and I can't hide the laugh. "You look like yer wearin' red lipstick."

"So do you. Give me those lips." He demandingly pulls me to him by my waste. A look of total seduction films over his eyes. I don't wanna play this way though, giving him what he wants. I want to be hard to get, to be wooed and have torment over him.

"No." I push away playfully, but he's so much stronger than me. Straddling my waste he pins my arms above my head.

"Well I'll get them, Beth. You know I will." His voice is quiet and sultry. He moves one hand up my shirt and gently fists my breasts. It's torment on my libido. The soft touch on my body makes me crazy.

"Stop. Daryl...."

"I think I'm gonna get those lips soon." He leans closer to my face and I turn my face away. Leaning forward his free hand pushes my shirt up to my neck and his mouth falls to my breast, suckling and swirling his tongue around it, driving me even closer to the edge. Arching my back, he gets the response he's looking for.

"Dear God! Daryl kiss me!" I can't take any more of his childish antics.

"Nah, I don't know if I will." Sitting up he leaves go of my arms and goes back to look at the fire.

"That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair Jitter Bug. You denied me yer lips, so you will never have them." Getting up up I try to get him to look at me but he won't.

"Don't be like this. Don't be a child." Giving me the silent treatment he doesn't even bat an eyelash. "Daryl!"

Finally, unable to stand it any more, I slide on top of his lap and force his arms to hold my ass. Putting my arms around his neck, I rock back and forth on his dick and can tell he's getting hard, but he's gone military. He doesn't move or look directly in my eyes. Kissing his lips, I try to get him to touch me. But nothing seems to work. Was this really a game any more. I play around with his his hair and goatee. Nothing. I put my hand down his pants and touch him. Nothing. Finally I realize he's gone. Putting both hands on either side of his face I look deep into his dull blue eyes.

"Where are you Daryl? Cause it's not here with me. Daryl?" Leaning forward I touch his back and suddenly he goes berserk. Picking me up he pushes me down on the coffee table and has his knife drawn to my throat. Tears stream from my face and I blubber like a baby with my eyes pinched tight. "Daryl! Please!"

Suddenly when I open his eyes, I look deep into the tortured oceans that are rocky gray as if his oceans are in a hurricane.

"Daryl...please." With a single breath, his eyes turn back to still water and his face goes pale when he notices the knife to my throat and my scared body trembling beneath him.

"Oh my God, Beth." Pulling his knife away I feel a small drop of blood streaming down my neck. He sits back on the couch and puts his head in his hands.

Sitting up, I take a finger to the cut on my neck and look at the blood on my fingers. It's only a few droplets, but the fright is still in me.

"I'm so sorry, Beth. I...I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry...I'm...sorry." That's all he can say through tearful eyes and a choked throat of guilt.

"No, Daryl, it's okay. Really." Still scared of him, I make the excuse to clean the cut on my neck. Running to my bathroom, I shut the door and sit by my sink crying for a few minutes. How did I provoke him? I literally could have died.

After a few minutes of calming down, there's a knock on the door. I'm really to terrified to answer, but I know he just needs help.

"Beth....I....I'm sorry, Jitter Bug. I'd never mean to hurt you. Can I please just see you. I need to know yer okay." I feel the pain in his heart. Daryl would never hurt someone intentionally, especially me.

Opening the door, I wipe my eyes and look at the sorry soul in front of me.

"It's okay Daryl. It's alright." I push myself into his grasp, but he doesn't hold me back. In fact he tries to push me away.

"Beth don't."

"What are you talkin' about?"

"I'm dangerous. I don't want to hurt you." He turns to face away from me and that's the coldest feeling I've ever experienced.

"No yer not. Daryl, it's just that you've been through a lot. You just got home and we need to take it easy."

"Beth...maybe I should jus...stay away for a bit. I don't want to hurt you worse than I had." His eyes are sorrowful and now try never leave mine.

" just got here. can't leave."

"Beth, I think I should stay at the VA Hospital and get some serious help. I can't afford to hurt you. yer my beat friend and I love you too much to put you at risk."

"If that's what you want... who am I to stop you." I turn to face away from him and can tell he's sadly watchin me.

"I'm not gonna be far...I just need help." Turning to face him, he seems tired and weary. Stepping to me, he hesitantly kisses me and I push myself into a deep hug with him.

"I just don't wanna lose you."

"Don't worry. You never will."

Never is the worst word to use when making a promise.

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