Chapter 60:

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Chapter 60:

Beth's View

Today my little boy turns one. He still is smaller than I expected him to be, but he's so smart. He is learning how to move in ways a toddler would. He crawls about the floor with lightening speed and he's making babbling sounds as if he's ready to speak to me. I have finally forgiven Daryl for his wrong doing, I never thought I could, but after that night in the cabin, I know I can move past it.

As I set up balloons and Maggie the cake, Daryl is off with Glenn keeping Jackson entertained with blocks and Baby Einstein videos. It's a cliche to plays those for my child, but they do come in handy for keeping Jackson's attention and development.

"How's this look?" Maggie asks as she finishes up the lion made of fondant.

"Why don't you own a bakery? This cake looks amazing!" It's really amazing how Maggie can create such beautiful cakes from scratch. "People will be coming soon. Put yer ears on."

As I scramble to put my fox ears on, which Daryl picked out, I place the last balloon in place and everything looks perfect.

"Welcome...please take some ears. Daryl will bring Jack in soon." As Tyreese, Sasha and Bob take their ears and Tara, Abraham, and Rosita theirs, I smile and hug a few of my friends I haven't seen in a long time. After everyone is in and ready we text Daryl and he brings Jack up from down stairs. Jack is in his little wolf costume and he looks so damn adorable.

"Happy birthday Jackson!" Everyone yells and he starts to cry, so I take him from Daryl.

"Shh, it's okay baby boy." I kiss his head and he tugs on my ears. "Yeah, I'm a fox buddy. Yer a wolf."

"Hey, he okay?" Sophia asks and I smile at her. "Yes, he just got a little frightened by everyone, but he's okay now.


As everyone converses and has fun, Jackson seems just a little cranky and upset with this whole thing. He won't allow me to give him to anyone else or touched, not even by Daryl.

"Hey buddy..." Daryl says and Jackson clings to me and starts to bawl a bit. "No, no, it's okay."

"He's being a mama's boy today for some reason. I don't know what's wrong with him." Kissing my temple, Daryl understands and places a quick kiss on my neck. A small shudder rolls down my back and I begin to blush madly.

"You look sexy as hell in those ears and tail...don't lose those later." He whispers in my ear and my eyebrows raise. His hand travels down my back and over my ass, leaving a firm, but publicly unnoticeable squeeze. As he walks over to Merle he looks back at me and winks before conversing with his brother who is dressed up like a Panda. His eyes never leave me though and that's a bit intimidating. Daryl has always had that way about him. His eyes are like daggers when he desires something and then cool ponds when he's relaxed and carefree.

Getting the birthday cake all set up and placing the big #1 candle on top, I bring Jack over to it and everyone starts singing. The child in my arms is mesmerized by the flame before anything else and when we finish singing, I lean forward and we both blow it out together. Clapping everyone waits as Maggie brings out a small frosted marble cake as I place Jack in his high chair so he can explore the cake and eat it.

"Get it Jack! Go on." I say as I nudge the cake to him. Everyone waits as the child just looks at the food in front of him. Daryl comes on the other side and tries to get him interested.

"Jack this is what you do..." Daryl says as he dips his finger in the white frosting and puts it in the baby's mouth. Jack starts bouncing immediately and take a big handful of cake and tries to feed it to Daryl as we swoon over how adorable it is. "Oh thank you... give Mommy some of that."

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