Christmas Special! Part 2- A Party! Fun, Games and... Mistletoe?!

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Author-san note: slight NSFW note for the thumbnail of Sweet Devil. Viewer discretion if you don't like that, or skim past, thankee!! (/^3^)/ ❤❤

"Thanks again, Luz-san." I say sighing, as Mafumafu's head hangs in shame as Soraru lectures him. "No problem, ###-tan." Luz says grinning. "Mafu-chan was just like a lost kitten. He was quite fun to track down~" Mafumafu shudders at the mention. What method did Luz use exactly? "We're almost there." Soraru announces, and I see a light in the distance. It must be the house that the party's gonna be at. "Soraru-san," I say, and he turns around. "Whose house is this?" I ask. "Ah," Soraru replies. "It's my house." I see. Shivering as we walk along, I hope we'll get there soon.

As soon as we step inside, I can already see other utaites, hanging out, having fun, and of course, singing. Just over to the left, I can see Reol and nqrse rapping and singing to Luvatory.




Wondering how she got here, Luz waves at nqrse, and he waves back. Not one for chatting or socializing, I find a place on the couch. Peace. But that's foiled by Urata, who immediately notices me. Jumping over by using his butt, he moves next to me. "Hey, aren't you ###-chan, Mafumafu-kun's girlfriend?" Urata asks, grinning. "We-we're not dating." I reply, looking away and blushing. "Would you like to date him?" He teases, leaning close. My face goes red. Before I can reply, Reol points a finger at me. "Hey, you." She says, looking me in the eye.

"Let's have a singing battle."

"Huh?!" I protest, but Luz grins. "Yeah, I wanna see ###-chan and Reol-chan sing this together." Soon, everyone else starts egging me on, until I finally give in. "Fine, what are we singing?" I ask Reol, and she nods. "Sweet Devil." The male majority of the utaites cheer, and I groan. "What's wrong? You too chicken?" Reol asks sweetly, and I snatch the microphone from her. "Bring it on, Reol." I snap, and the crowd "ooh"s while Soraru looks on, interested. The music starts up. 

Reol starts off.

"Make up and dress up!"

"I become very lovely too!"

"I keep my lashes long, mascara plus false eyelashes"

"My eyeliner is perfect, sharp shadows and highlights"

"I go a little heavy on the lipstick, pink and shiny"

Reol's pretty good, but I can't lose. She looks at me to start the next verse, which I do, aggressively. 

"I'm showing too much chest? You know you like it"

"My heels lift me up three centimetres! Just the right height"

"Baby Doll on my wrists, doesn't its sweet scent make your heart race?"

"And how cute is my red manicure? Hmm?"

Together, we sing at the pre-chorus.

"Don't delude yourself, you're not the only boy I like!"

"Don't get me wrong! I'm liar girl"

This time, I start the next verse.

"I have something to say!"

"Can you hear my voice? Do you see me?"

"You can be a little more aggressive"

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