Halloween Special

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"You can't be serious."

Soraru raises his eyebrow at a guilty Mafumafu as he bows his head. "But Soraru-san...", he starts to say, before Soraru's face breaks out into a grin. "Ease up a little, Mafu-kun", he says, patting Mafumafu's head. "It's Halloween, I don't mind if you spend a little of money for today.". Just as I make plans to stay home, Soraru turns towards me. "And ###-chan can come along too." He says. "Oh no, I couldn't.", I protest. Before I can say anything else, Mafumafu turns to me. 'C'mon, ###-chan, it's Halloween! Please?", he pleads. I sigh, relenting. "Fine, I'll come along.", I say, putting my hands up in mock surrender. "Just don't expect me to get scared or anything. ", Mafumafu's eyes sparkle, and he hugs me happily. Soraru smirks, and I shoot him a glare at the corner of my eye. "Well then, if the both of you are up and ready to go, we can start driving. Just be warned, it's a long ride."

"###-chan, do you get scared?"

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"###-chan, do you get scared?"

"No, why?"

30 minutes later, Mafumafu, Soraru and I are on Tokyo Expressway. Just as Soraru said, it's a long ride. And the highlight (note my sarcasm) is Mafumafu asking me endless questions which I make half-attempts to answer, perfect. He leans back "Just asking.". I 'tch' under my breath, and look out my window. I was looking forward to having a quiet, relaxing ride on the highway, the radio drifting in and out with its varying signal. Meanwhile, the host is babbling away. " Utaite Mafumafu-san's newest song has been a big hit...". "Oi, Mafu-kun. You're on the radio again.", Soraru says, without looking back. "Eeh? Hey, ###-chan! I'm on the radio!", Mafumafu says, trying to get my attention. "Nice, I don't care.", I shoot back, and Mafumafu pouts. "So cold-hearted", he says, striking his chest dramatically. I can't help but smile. 

"Hey guys, we're here

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"Hey guys, we're here.", Soraru says, poking his head around the driver's seat. As the three of us step out of the car, I look up at the building's looming structure. "Hey, isn't this the Fuji Q Haunted Hospital thingy?", I ask Soraru. He nods, and leans in to whisper in my ear. "I, personally, don't like these sort of things. And this place is said to be the scariest haunted house in Japan. But Mafu-kun really wants to go here, so let's just let him have his way.". I nod, and we start walking towards the entrance, our feet crunching the gravel of the carpark. 

The Student and the Singer (Mafumafu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now